The design of the rear axle swing frame of the CYE-1 electric scrapers
Abstract: The underground scraper is specially designed for underground work.It has a short body,a central hinge , it is a joint operating equipment of front loading ,transporting
and unloading.The highlight advantages of the equipment is efficient ,flexible,versatile
and low production costs and so on.It has been widely used in domestic and foreign mining
and underground engineering,The working environment of the underground scrapers is very bad.In order to adapt to the uneven stope road,increase the stability of the scrapers in mining equipment or transportation work,the subsequent bridge swing is design to ensure that the vehicle in front will be rotate in a certain angle related to swing..There is enough swing space between the rear frame and rear axle.When the scraper passes the uneven road, the rear axle is relatively frame swing, and then mounted on the rear axle swing and still maintain a normal position.when the scraper do the shovel or transport work,as the four
wheels touch the ground,the swing frame does not work.When the scraper shovel or transport on uneven ground ,the rear axle revolver, the right wheel vacated, revolvers by the ground forces and the role to the swing rack, plus rear frame in the post-bridge gravity to produce a torque of the swing frame, the torque to the swing frame body around the swing axis of rotation, and drive the rear axle right wheel to the ground.Similarly, when the right wheel of the rear axle, revolvers vacated ,through the swing frame,it can make the left
and right wheel of the bridge always to the ground.Therefore, when the scraper drives on uneven road, both sides of the wheel can be attached to ensure contact with the ground to improve the wheel, make full use of the adhesive weight of the machine, increases traction
and shovel force.
Key words:The underground scraper;Rear axle swing frame;Rear axle