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1、 新理念大學(xué)?英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)大?廳 大學(xué)英語(yǔ)(全新版)綜合教程第?三冊(cè) 綜合單元測(cè)?試全部答案? Unit 1 T T F T F T T T F T T T T F F T T F T T Telev?ision? has: indus?trial?ized essen?tial trans?mitte?r eleva?te maint?ains quali?ty relat?ionsh?ip produ?ced audie?nce enter?taini?ng The world?: agric?ultur?al popul?ati

2、on? Unfor?tunat?ely effic?ient autom?atica?lly roman?tic mecha?nic chemi?cal equip?ment possi?bilit?y Paren?ts have to : C A D B A To live throu?gh : A B B A B Many compa?nies : B A A B D Throu?gh a : BACCD? 61. With the econo?mic devel?opmen?t, beaut?iful and expen?sive villa?s have _

3、____?_____? in the subur?bs of big citie?s. A. mushr?oomed? B. expan?ded C. grown? D. soare?d 參考答案:mushr?oomed? 62. Youd bette?r _____?_____? the garde?n with insec?ticid?e to get rid of the pests?. A. spray? B. sprin?kle C. splas?h D. scatt?er 參考答案:spray? 63. In the busy holid?a

4、y seaso?n, extra? train?s and buses? are provi?ded to _____?_____? the exist?ing servi?ce. A. requi?re B. suspe?ct C. resis?t D. suppl?ement? 參考答案:suppl?ement? 64. What _____?_____? of peopl?e in the distr?ict voted? again?st the new law? A. amoun?t B. perce?nt C. numbe?r D. perce?nta

5、ge? 參考答案:perce?ntage? 65. She felt rathe?r regre?tful when retur?ning from her holid?ay, for she had _____?_____? out on a promo?tion. A. lost B. throw?n C. passe?d D. misse?d 參考答案:misse?d 66. When peopl?e are physi?cally? _____?_____? a drug, they suffe?r ill physi?cal effec?ts if th

6、ey stop takin?g the drug. A. absor?bed in B. accep?ted by C. addic?ted to D. attra?cted to 參考答案:addic?ted to 67. At one time, peopl?e overg?razed? the pastu?res. _____?_____?, many of them have turne?d into deser?ts. A. As a fact B. As a resul?t C. In a concl?usion? D. In a conse?quen

7、c?e 參考答案:As a resul?t 68. Books? _____?_____? with color?ed photo?graph?s are extre?mely popul?ar with child?ren. A. illus?trate?d B. demon?strat?ed C. displ?ayed D. expla?ined 參考答案:illus?trate?d 69. The young? coupl?e were _____?_____? with emoti?on at the birth? of their? first? ba

8、by. A. enter?taini?ng B. overf?lowin?g C. tempt?ing D. resis?ting 參考答案:overf?lowin?g 70. What the lawye?r said didnt make any _____?_____? to most membe?rs of the jury. A. point? B. meani?ng C. good D. sense? 參考答案:sense? 71. Chine?se peopl?e like to have _____?_____? Sprin?g Fe

9、sti?vals, just as Ameri?cans do when they have Chris?tmas. A. exagg?erate? B. expen?sive C. extra?vagan?t D. extre?me 參考答案:extra?vagan?t 72. She _____?_____? when she saw a man dangl?ing out of her windo?w. A. gaspe?d B. breat?hed C. choke?d D. shock?ed 參考答案:gaspe?d 73. The n

10、ew devic?e, _____?_____?, is by far more conve?nient? than the old one. A. in the balan?ce B. in paral?lel C. on paral?lel D. on balan?ce 參考答案:on balan?ce 74. Colle?ge stude?nts are advis?ed to _____?_____? a wide range? of subje?cts in order? to broad?en knowl?edge. A. pursu?e B. inves

11、?t C. promo?te D. inter?vene 參考答案:pursu?e 75. All anima?ls need _____?_____? food, water?, air, and prote?ction? from the attac?k of their? enemi?es. A. decid?edly B. profo?undly? C. norma?lly D. prima?rily 參考答案:prima?rily 76. The docto?r put him on a _____?_____? of table?ts in o

12、rder? to contr?ol the serio?us sympt?om. A. range? B. cours?e C. matte?r D. proce?ss 參考答案:cours?e 77. To balan?ce your incom?e and expen?se, you need to set a prope?r _____?_____?. A. budge?t B. limit? C. contr?ol D. check? 參考答案:budge?t 78. If you _____?_____? your money? in the

13、real estat?e marke?t now, Im sure youll make great? profi?ts. A. dedic?ate B. devot?e C. inves?t D. spend? 參考答案:inves?t 79. Worki?ng under? the new exper?t who alway?s encou?rages? creat?ivity? in young? peopl?e, we have been _____?_____? with bette?r ideas?. A. comin?g along? B. comin?

14、g out C. comin?g over D. comin?g up 參考答案:comin?g up 80. If he loses? the case, Jack will have to _____?_____? the bill for the cost of the lawsu?it. A. make up B. turn up C. pick up D. work up 參考答案:pick up 81. The gover?nment? decid?ed to _____?_____? on defen?se expen?se to meet the

15、 deman?d of the econo?mic devel?opmen?t. A. cut back B. cut off C. cut away D. cut in 參考答案:cut back 82. Mrs. Black? decla?red that she would? never? _____?_____? that groce?ry becau?se of its poor servi?ce. A. spons?or B. patro?nize C. insur?e D. inves?t 參考答案:patro?nize 83. The

16、secre?tary chose? a carto?on from the _____?_____? of video?s and made it into the repor?t. A. scale? B. condi?tion C. devic?e D. stack? 參考答案:stack? 84. Can you _____?_____? up a light? lunch? for me? Ive got to leave? in 20 minut?es. A. beat B. whip C. strik?e D. make 參考答案:whip

17、85. Caugh?t runni?ng away from the spot, he was _____?_____? of the crime? by the polic?e. A. expec?ted B. doubt?ed C. guess?ed D. suspe?cted 參考答案:suspe?cted 86. The local? peopl?e could? hardl?y _____?_____? enthu?siasm? for the renov?ation? proje?ct of the city. A. dupli?cate B. exte

18、n?d C. gener?ate D. accum?ulate? 參考答案:gener?ate 87. In compl?iance? with your _____?_____?, we are sendi?ng you the catal?og toget?her with a range? of pamph?lets for your refer?ence. A. budge?t B. requi?remen?t C. expen?se D. mortg?age 參考答案:requi?remen?t 88. Accor?ding to our usual

19、? pract?ice, _____?_____? is to be effec?ted for 100% of the invoi?ce value?. A. allow?ance B. profi?t C. budge?t D. insur?ance 參考答案:insur?ance 89. The PICC charg?es _____?_____? at lower? rates?, so it is to your advan?tage to have your order?s insur?ed with the PICC. A. premi?um B. ac

20、cou?nt C. insur?ance D. profi?t 參考答案:premi?um 90. While? power? plant?s burn coal to _____?_____? elect?ricit?y, they are also pollu?ting the air. A. cause? B. creat?e C. inven?t D. gener?ate 參考答案:gener?ate 91. She retre?ated into a world? of _____?_____? where? she could? do whate?

21、ver she was fond of. A. natur?e B. fanta?sy C. confu?sion D. situa?tion 參考答案:fanta?sy 92. She was given? an award? for her excel?lent work with the old peopl?e in the _____?_____?. A. cours?e B. commu?nity C. proce?ss D. behav?ior 參考答案:commu?nity 93. _____?_____? duck is a typi

22、c?al cours?e in almos?t all the resta?urant?s in Beiji?ng. A. Baked? B. Burnt? C. Roast?ed D. Cooke?d 參考答案:Roast?ed 94. They seldo?m dine out, _____?_____? an occas?ional? dinne?r at the local? resta?urant?. A. aside? from B. besid?e from C. excep?t of D. outsi?de of 參考答案:aside? fro

23、m 95. The manag?er has taken? some measu?res to ensur?e that all the anima?ls in the zoo will _____?_____? the winte?r. A. get by B. get throu?gh C. get along? D. get over 參考答案:get throu?gh 96. She assur?ed her mothe?r that it was only a _____?_____? opera?tion and she would? be fine s

24、oon. A. major? B. minor? C. minut?e D. minim?um 參考答案:minor? 97. My paren?ts could? hardl?y come up with all the money? for me to go to colle?ge, but we manag?ed to _____?_____? with my schol?arshi?p. A. get in B. get on C. get by D. get to 參考答案:get by 98. After? his fathe?rs deat

25、h?, he _____?_____? the small? facto?ry that his fathe?r devot?ed his life to. A. took in B. took up C. took over D. took down 參考答案:took over 99. In order? to keep slim, my aunt never? eats much, but she _____?_____? her diet with a varie?ty of vitam?ins. A. compl?iment?s B. suppl?ement

26、?s C. imple?ments? D. compe?nsate?s 參考答案:suppl?ement?s 100. As direc?tor of the offic?e, Mr. Black? is not only _____?_____? of the work of the other?s, but also of his own. A. cauti?ons B. consc?ious C. criti?cal D. curio?us 參考答案:criti?cal 101. The young? man liked? to lead an ext

27、ra?vagan?t life and was soon _____?_____? by heavy? debts?. A. diges?ted B. swamp?ed C. stack?ed D. suppl?ement?ed 參考答案:swamp?ed 102. The defen?dant could? see the _____?_____? in the voice? of his lawye?r and began? to feel depre?ssed. A. resol?ution? B. frust?ratio?n C. deter?minat?i

28、on D. tempt?ation? 參考答案:frust?ratio?n 103. The idea of stayi?ng all by herse?lf in the Gobi Deser?t is _____?_____? to her. A. alien? B. imagi?nary C. negat?ive D. ident?ical 參考答案:alien? 104. The stati?stics? _____?_____? the point? I was makin?g at the press? confe?rence?. A. comm

29、i?t B. accom?plish? C. illus?trate? D. pursu?e 參考答案:illus?trate? 105. Durin?g the Chris?tmas seaso?n, there? was a(n) _____?_____? of delic?ious puddi?ngs and cakes? in that food store?. A. serie?s B. strin?g C. array? D. bunch? 參考答案:array? 106. I live in the subur?bs and it tak

30、es? me three? hours? to _____?_____? betwe?en home and offic?e every?day. A. commu?nicat?e B. commu?te C. trave?l D. move 參考答案:commu?te 107. If you insis?t on takin?g the indec?ent behav?ior, you will have to suffe?r the _____?_____?. A. disti?nctio?ns B. seque?nces C. desti?natio?ns

31、D. conse?quenc?es 參考答案:conse?quenc?es 108. At the sight? of that beaut?iful dress?, the poor actre?ss could? not _____?_____? the tempt?ation? to steal? it. A. attac?k B. fight? C. resis?t D. assis?t 參考答案:resis?t 109. The busin?essma?n _____?_____? most of the profi?ts from his busin

32、?ess to vario?us chari?ties of the socie?ty. A. disre?garde?d B. distr?ibute?d C. donat?ed D. disch?arged? 參考答案:donat?ed 110. From the mid 1980s?, the Chine?se gover?nment? began? to give top _____?_____? to scien?tific? and educa?tiona?l devel?opmen?t. A. prior?ity B. prima?cy C. pref

33、e?rence? D. privi?lege 參考答案:prior?ity 111. Altho?ugh a littl?e girl of nine, Rose could? resis?t _____?_____? what to do and what not to do. A. to be told B. havin?g been told C. being? told D. to have been told 參考答案:being? told 112. So far a three?-fourt?hs major?ity in the neigh?b

34、orho?od _____?_____? to help the handi?cappe?d. A. have volun?teere?d B. have been volun?teere?d C. has volun?teere?d D. has been volun?teere?d 參考答案:has volun?teere?d 113. They worke?d hard on the const?ructi?on site with a view _____?_____? more exper?ience?. A. to gain B. to gaini?ng

35、 C. of gaini?ng D. in gaini?ng 參考答案:to gaini?ng 114. He worke?d so late in the offic?e last night? that he hardl?y had time _____?_____? the last bus. A. to have caugh?t B. to catch? C. catch?ing D. havin?g caugh?t 參考答案:to catch? 115. I apolo?gize if I _____?_____? you, but I assur?

36、e you I didnt mean to. A. offen?d B. offen?ded C. shoul?d have offen?ded D. might? have offen?ded 參考答案:offen?ded 116. As it turne?d out to be much cheap?er than we had expec?ted, we _____?_____? the money? from you. A. needn?t to borro?w B. did not need have borro?wed C. did not n

37、eed borro?w D. needn?t have borro?wed 參考答案:needn?t have borro?wed 117. Tradi?tion _____?_____? salt was place?d in front? of the king on the table? of royal?ty. A. made it that B. took it that C. said it that D. had it that 參考答案:had it that 118. Great?er effor?ts to contr?ol the pop

38、ul?ation? must be made if food short?age _____?_____? avoid?ed. A. is to be B. can be C. will be D. has been 參考答案:is to be 119. The newly?-stipu?lated? traff?ic rule _____?_____? the numbe?r of accid?ents on the highw?ay. A. is inten?ded to reduc?e B. inten?ds to reduc?e C. is inten?

39、ded to be reduc?ed D. inten?ds to have reduc?ed 參考答案:is inten?ded to reduc?e 120. The livin?g condi?tions? on the deser?ted islan?d were reall?y hard; they had so much _____?_____?. A. to put up B. to put up with C. to put up for D. to put up to 參考答案:to put up with Unit 2 T T T F

40、 T F T F T T T F T F F T T F T F Vitam?ins are : subst?ances? conce?rned worry? excep?tion wisel?y provi?ding rid nervo?us diges?tive cerea?ls Impre?ssive? gains? : educa?tion patte?rns vulne?rable? oppos?ed incon?siste?nt compe?nsate? balan?ced rever?sing parti

41、?cular?ly acces?s Washi?ngton?, Aug 28, 1963 : C C D A B When we read : DCBBA? The possi?ble hint : BBBBB? The loude?st outcr?y : ACBAC? 61. The chief? of the terro?rists? fled the count?ry and has not been _____?_____? yet. A. captu?red B. grabb?ed C. snatc?hed D. grasp?ed 參考答案:captu

42、?red 62. A group? of seven? exper?ts were appoi?nted to estab?lish a commi?ttee to _____?_____? a new const?ituti?on for the compa?ny. A. work in B. work off C. work out D. work up 參考答案:work out 63. The enemy? was soon on the run when the red army was _____?_____? aroun?d the mount?ain.

43、 A. comin?g up B. peeri?ng at C. closi?ng in D. enclo?sing in 參考答案:closi?ng in 64. The arrog?ant young? man was accus?ed of _____?_____? again?st women? and fined? 5,000 dolla?rs. A. disre?gardi?ng B. domin?ating? C. disti?nguis?hing D. discr?imina?ting 參考答案:discr?imina?ting 65. T

44、he beaut?iful, _____?_____? figur?e of the actre?ss attra?cted tens of eyes at the party?. A. racia?l B. slend?er C. secur?e D. confi?dent 參考答案:slend?er 66. Havin?g train?ed hard for 3 month?s, Jack was _____?_____? of winni?ng the game. A. convi?nced B. confi?dent C. consc?ious D. tr

45、ust?ed 參考答案:confi?dent 67. Among? the local? peopl?e of the small? town, Mr. Johns?on _____?_____? a man of consi?derab?le means?. A. passe?d by B. passe?d for C. passe?d on D. passe?d throu?gh 參考答案:passe?d for 68. While? slave?ry was aboli?shed long time ago, _____?_____? discr?imina

46、?tion again?st the black?s in the US still? exist?s. A. racia?l B. radic?al C. natio?nal D. perso?nal 參考答案:racia?l 69. Slave?ry is close?ly assoc?iated? with _____?_____? preju?dice and, it is belie?ved, still? exist?s in some remot?e areas?. A. relig?ious B. regio?nal C. regul?ar D.

47、racia?l 參考答案:racia?l 70. The medic?al team _____?_____? the advic?e of Profe?ssor Lee and conti?nued their? resea?rch work. A. explo?red B. deplo?red C. ignor?ed D. implo?red 參考答案:ignor?ed 71. The gover?nment? shoul?d _____?_____? restr?ictio?ns on the use of harmf?ul chemi?cals in

48、plant?ing fruit?s and veget?ables?. A. explo?i B. captu?re C. impos?e D. aboli?sh 參考答案:impos?e 72. Viewe?d in the _____?_____? of the recen?t polit?ical situa?tion in the Middl?e East, these? lates?t devel?opmen?ts are worth?y of consi?derat?ion. A. conte?xt B. recov?ery C. prope?rty

49、 D. commi?tment? 參考答案:conte?xt 73. Durin?g the job inter?view, he _____?_____? his achie?vemen?ts in the forme?r compa?ny. A. playe?d up B. blew up C. made up D. forge?d up 參考答案:playe?d up 74. Under? the inten?sive care of the docto?rs and nurse?s, she made a quick? _____?_____? afte

50、r? the opera?tion. A. resto?ratio?n B. revel?ation? C. recov?ery D. remed?y 參考答案:recov?ery 75. The rebel?s were cruel?ly _____?_____? by the local? gover?nment? and the fight? for freed?om was force?d to move under?groun?d. A. assau?lted B. suppr?essed? C. accom?plish?ed D. resol?ve

51、d 參考答案:suppr?essed? 76. The compa?ny has agree?d to _____?_____? the $30 milli?on bank loan for its branc?h in Paris?. A. trans?fer B. corpo?rate C. guara?ntee D. erase? 參考答案:guara?ntee 77. The gener?als words? at the press? confe?rence? _____?_____? a signa?l that his troop?s woul

52、d? launc?h anoth?er campa?ign in the follo?wing sprin?g. A. compo?sed B. consu?lted C. conve?yed D. compe?lled 參考答案:conve?yed 78. Leavi?ng for somet?hing urgen?t, she _____?_____? her partn?er to sign the contr?act on her behal?f. A. assig?ned B. autho?rized? C. appoi?nted D. entit?l

53、ed 參考答案:autho?rized? 79. A monum?ent will be built? in honor? of those? who have made _____?_____? explo?its in the devel?opmen?t of the city. A. consi?derab?le B. remar?kable? C. accou?ntabl?e D. repla?ceabl?e 參考答案:remar?kable? 80. Thoug?h she is not very beaut?iful, she has a _____

54、?_____? figur?e and grace?ful manne?rs. A. sligh?t B. small? C. slim D. tende?r 參考答案:slim 81. Despi?te his disli?ke of Robin?, John would? alway?s _____?_____? him when other? boys attac?k him at the schoo?l. A. stand? up for B. live up to C. put up with D. make up for 參考答案:stand? u

55、p for 82. After? negot?iatin?g with the gover?nment? for half a year, the compa?ny final?ly won the proje?ct to _____?_____? the oil under? the sea. A. emplo?y B. explo?re C. exami?ne D. explo?it 參考答案:explo?it 83. The west regio?ns have been _____?_____? since? the new polic?y was car

56、ri?ed out. A. flour?ishin?g B. mushr?oomin?g C. flush?ing D. flood?ing 參考答案:flour?ishin?g 84. On Satur?day night?s progr?am, there? is a _____?_____? of finan?cial exper?ts givin?g their? opini?ons on the curre?nt econo?mic situa?tion. A. proce?ssion? B. termi?nal C. convi?ction? D.

57、missi?on 參考答案:proce?ssion? 85. Durin?g the epide?mic outbr?eak of SARS, anyon?e who wante?d to enter? a hospi?tal was _____?_____? to a tempe?ratur?e measu?remen?t. A. subje?cted B. enfor?ced C. compe?lled D. impos?ed 參考答案:subje?cted 86. With the impro?vemen?t of our new produ?ct, w

58、e can _____?_____? full satis?facti?on to our custo?mers. A. promi?se B. pledg?e C. engag?e D. guara?ntee 參考答案:guara?ntee 87. Their? missi?on is to _____?_____? the impro?per or the outda?ted terms? in the local? laws and regul?ation?s. A. aboli?sh B. forge? C. conve?y D. regul?ate

59、 參考答案:aboli?sh 88. If you dont compe?nsate? us for our loss, we are prepa?red to _____?_____? for our right?. A. set up B. get up C. stand? up D. rise up 參考答案:stand? up 89. _____?_____?, this time, it was the weak who had saved? the stron?g. A. Ironi?cally? B. Inter?estin?gly C. Dou

60、bt?fully? D. Painf?ully 參考答案:Ironi?cally? 90. After? shari?ng ten years? of hards?hips toget?her, the coupl?e _____?_____? under?stand? the true value? of marri?age. A. got to B. becam?e to C. came to D. went to 參考答案:came to 91. Mrs. Carte?r is known? chief?ly for her _____?_____? to

61、 sever?e punis?hment? for the world?wide drug smugg?ling. A. intel?ligen?ce B. discr?imina?tion C. commi?tment? D. legac?y 參考答案:commi?tment? 92. He went on with the adven?ture witho?ut a guide? again?st all the _____?_____? and reach?ed the desti?natio?n alone?. A. ideas? B. sugge?stion

62、?s C. odds D. objec?tions? 參考答案:odds 93. Ambul?ances?, fire engin?es and polic?e cars all _____?_____? on the scene? of the explo?sion in Madri?d. A. starv?ed B. impos?ed C. compe?lled D. conve?rged 參考答案:conve?rged 94. After? sever?al round?s of talks?, the two parti?es agree?d to _

63、____?_____? furth?er econo?mic co-opera?tion. A. explo?re B. compe?l C. explo?it D. forge? 參考答案:forge? 95. This autom?ation? syste?m of commu?nicat?ion has many flaws? and must be _____?_____? befor?e it is put to use. A. separ?ated B. remed?ied C. flour?ished? D. conce?ntrat?ed 參考答

64、案:remed?ied 96. Many inves?tors have suffe?red great? losse?s as the stock? marke?t has been _____?_____? for six month?s on end. A. expos?ing B. detec?ting C. gener?ating? D. decli?ning 參考答案:decli?ning 97. Finan?cial aids are neede?d for the prese?rvati?on of the _____?_____? build?in

65、g and monum?ents in Xian. A. inten?tiona?l B. virgi?n C. histo?ric D. seria?l 參考答案:histo?ric 98. To incre?ase the reven?ue, the gover?nment? decid?ed to _____?_____? new dutie?s on wines? and cars. A. impre?ss B. impos?e C. embod?y D. compe?l 參考答案:impos?e 99. Lost in the fores?t

66、witho?ut any food, they were _____?_____? to starv?e until? rescu?e came. A. contr?olled? B. impos?ed C. compe?lled D. compo?sed 參考答案:compe?lled 100. Under? the leade?rship? of the Party?, the Chine?se peopl?e were _____?_____? from all kinds? of explo?iters?. A. lifte?d B. liber?ated C. relea?sed D. relie?ved 參考答案:liber?ated 101. It isnt alway?s easy for the manag?ement? to _____?_____? the compa?nys regul?ation?s, as some of the terms? are not agree?d upon by

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