1、國家開放大學(xué)電大??啤队⒄Z聽力(3)》2021期末試題及答案(試卷號(hào):2151) 盜傳必究
Section One
In this section? you are going to hear five diuloKucs> After ench dialogue< there ure five questions. Choose the best answer to each question and write your answer on the Answer Sheet.
You'll hear each dialogue twice- (50 points)
2、 1
(1) Penny conf t go to the.
A.:r cinema B> meeting
C party
(2) The rc/ison Penny can't go hns to do with .
At her mother 11 her work
C. another party
(3) Penny has to do the following EXCEPT on the parly night.
A. writing a report B. marking exam papers
C. attending a meeting
(4) I he m
3、eeting will laat about .
A. 3. 5 hours R 3 hour?
C. 2. 5 hours
(5) Penny and Jnmes are most probably.
N friends B. classmates
C colleagues
Dialogue 2
(6) The woman thinks that the man smokes there.
A. itOK B. itrs wrong
C? it fs frank
(7) The no-smoking yign is on the .
?、鼠 wfill door
4、 window
(3)According to the convcrHUtiorii the woman domn'i ihmk
A. ?he likrn thr mnn
B< nhc hns met the mm before
C- ?hc i? a Iriend of ihr mi?n
(9) Thr wornnn was in h相 winier.
A. Mexico
H. New York city
(10) rhe mnn mid they met at there
A. nn Enidifth cIabr 化 ? bumneiis mcr
C. n pnrty
Diuhfgut A
(11) The womiin h” goi a pwin in hrr — too.
A. bnck 氏"rms
C. neck
(12) The woman works ms a(o) ?
A. exercise mnnnRcr K ?hoz niwkrr
CL anle? manaicer
《13) Thr wornnn hg kre thrown B. lung problem
(\ enneer
(14) Thr doctor th
6、ink% I he pnin in in hci in hrr?
A. chent 峽,際曲
C. stomnch
(15) Hnally thr doctor nnk* hrr to?
A> Atop nmokiriK
7、reece Irave% on the .
A, 19“ & 16*
(18〉The trip will go through couritrir?.
a 6 a s
C. 4
(19, 1 hr conf oi the "ip is £jncludjng accornmodntiorL
A. 500 B. 600
Q 400
Ae 10(hy?
(20) The whole journey takes .
11 3 weeks
C. 5 weeks
Dialogue 5
(21〉is going to be buiiL
A? A leisure centre
8、 B. A school
C. A supermarket
(22) There will definitely be a .
A. theatre B. disco
C cinerriA
(23) It is a place far people of .
A,special taleniji B. the younger grnerntions
C? all ages and intere^t^
(24) The public meeting will be held.
A? tomorrow B, next week
(' this evening
(25) w
9、ill definitely come to thr meetings
A? rhe num B. The woman
C- Both of them
Section I'wo
Part 1
In thb purl, you will hear a paM(n|{c. After lhe pnvkiigr Ihvrc arc len BUkincnl!i. Kkclde whether the fallowing Bbileincnt h frue (T) or F?hv (F) und write your answer on the An*wcr Shrd. Yon will h
10、eur the paMMgc only once< (20 pohilt)
(26) The first Chinese to reach the US enme to look for gold>
(27〉Then the Chinese were imported tn build nulrmd.
(28) After the railroad was built ? they returned to China#
(29) Family ties are utrong in the ('hincne fnmlhrx
(30) Young Chinese children do
11、not behove very well
(31) Education tn imporunt in (Uilne^r culture.
(32> Only children from welbcducAtcd liirndica become succc??fuL
(33) People recently come ta the US urr very poor.
(34) The atiitudc townrds Ching hm chnnued.
(35) The Ching hm mndc mnriy contrihutionH to I he
Part 2
In th
12、h purte you will hour n p岫明e Fill In hlunk? 財(cái) you listen to the Write your
answer on the Answer Shixt You will hear the passage twice. (30 points)
When Jenny and Simon received n (36〉 Irom n wnrnnn who they thought wm a (37)aunt> they were hnppy thnt she had decided to wpend the (38)of her life w
13、ith them* They were (39) !?hc would leave them money in her 30)? When Mhc nrrivccL Jenny nnd Simon gave her the (41) roam in the house for her
bedroom, and (42)drliciou* men!* for her. Unfortunntrlyt ?hr wus the kind of (43) womnn who wn? never liAppy ond nlwwys compUining. She (44)thnr liven nrngb
14、la It was nut unlil %he (45) thnl they found out she was not their nunt at alL
Section One
(50 points# 2 points each)
(1) c
(2) B
(4) C
(5) A
(6) B
(7) C
(8) B
(9) A
(10) C
(!2) C
(13) A
(14) C
(15) B
(16) A
(17) C
(18) B
(19) A
(20) C
(21) A
(24) A
(25) H
Section Iwo
Part I
(Z0 p 2 points cuch)
(26) T
(27) T
(28) F
(29) T
(30) E
(31) T
(32> F
(33) F
(34) T
(35) r
Pari 2
(30 points?:
< poinU each)
(36) letter (37) rich
(38) rest
(39) nurc
(40) w
(42) cooked (43) old (44) mndc
(41) bcMt