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1、翻譯部分英文原 文 THE DESIGN OF FR UIT AUTOM ATED SORTINGS YSTEM Abstract: The article in troduced the flow and desig n scheme of fruit automated sorting system,the computer tech no logy and automatic tech no logy is used in some tech no logy, such asthedetecti on and con trol tech no logy, the digital im

2、age process ing tech no logy, the computerperipheral device and in terface tech no logy, Pattern Recog niti on tech no logy etc, is used in thefruit automated sortin gsystem. Keywords: the fruit, automated sort ing system, automati on, the digital imageprocessi ng,PatternRecog nitio n 1. INT RODU

3、 CTION Wit h the development of modern agriculture &fo restry and the enhance of in dustrialsta ndard,theoutputoffr uitsfromi nne rcoun trya ndabroadarebei ngraisedswift ly.On the on eha n d,thefruitsfromdi fferentdistrictaresoldinlocalarea,ontheotherhand,moreplentyoffruitsaresoldtootherdi stri cte

4、ve nabroad,a ndthesefruitsdema ndbe in gpackedaccord in gtodiff ere nt quality. In order to package these fruits, we must to desig n a fruit automatedsorti ngsystem,becauseifthesefruitswerepackedbyha nd,on ethe on ehaid ,Thetaskisharda nditi sinefficient;ontheotherhand,itisnotm eetthedemandsofmoder

5、nfruitpa ckage,whichisneedto be Mu lti - layer or high standard or high san itary sta ndard. To advaneed country after second war, the automated sorting system is one of theessentialequipment of Logistics centre,Distribut ion Centre,or ci rculat ion centre(Huang,2002),i t was in Ameri ca n and E ur

6、ope in the 1960s, automated sorting system was used in Japa n in1970s (Xu,2002 ) ,Atthepreseit ,automatedsortingsystemisalsosuccessuaedinpostofficebesidesabovefield .Withthe improvementofmode rnizationstandard,itiswidelyusedinmoreand more field.almost no success using about frui t automated sortin

7、g system because it concernalotsofknowledgeandsubject,atthesametime,itdemandmorehigherlevelofartificia l.Atpresent, weca non lyseethe newsaboutFruit on icscompa ny,whichhavedesig nedasetoffruitautomated sortin gsystem. 2. THEHARDWARE DESIGNOFFRUITAUTOMATEDSORTINGSYSTEM In thecourseofdesig nin gof

8、theSystem,allki ndsoffactorarecomprehe nsivelythoughtwhe n fruits are sorted. All kinds of tech no logy, such as detect ion and con trol tech no logy,thecomputer peripheralequipme nt and in terface tech no logy,the digital imageprocess in gtech no logy and Patter n Recog niti on tech no logy, is use

9、d, at the same time, adva need algorithmis used in the course of pattern identification, and it improve the accurate rate of fruit sorting. 2.1 The hardware con sists of fruit automated sort in gsystem Thereareallsortsofautomatedsorti ngsystem,a nditssta ndardisdiffere nt.l ngen eral,a nautomated

10、sorting system is consists of seven partition(Xu,2002),it is:collection Conveyor,feed Conveyor,th eSettingDeviceOfsorting instruction,confl uencedevice,sortingconveyer,sortingand discharge cargo port,computerc on troll er(Fig.l) 2.2 The consists of hardware and work p ri nciples of fruit a utomate

11、d sorting system The fruit automated sorting system is based of the traditional automated sorting system,but it is different of the tradi ti onal automated sort ing system, it is an automate d sort ingsystemwhic h i s high in tell ige nt, real-time, Mult ilayer, multi kno wledge fi elds and multi

12、class.Thissystemhasseveralpart(X u,2002),suchas:conveyerdevice,thewei ghtsortingdevice,theappear ance sorting device,and the quality sorting device etc.(Fig.2). The Design of Fruit Automat ed SortingSystem Fig . 1 . The hardw a re diag ram of fruit automated sorting system (1) in put con veyer

13、belt; (2) fill cargo con veyer belt; (3) steel con veyer belt; (4) Diverter;(5)output Rollers; (6) sorting port; (7) signal giver; (8) laser ISBN reader; (9) pass detector;(10)magnetism signal generator; (11) controller; (12) magnetism signal reader; (13) full scaledetector. Fig . 2 . The hardw

14、 are consists of fruit automated sorting system The function module of the fruit automated sorting system is adapt to its Thehardwareconsist, three module, which is weight sorting module, appearanee sorting model andqualitysorting module, is concluded in the system. The work principles of the each

15、function moduleca nbe expla ined by the Figure (Fig. 3) (Ha n,2004). AD oor'Elinf* Fig . 3 . The hardw are consists of the w e ig ht sortingdevice 2.2.1 The weight sorting device and its workpri nciple The fruit which is need to be sorted is transferred to the fruit receive &distribute devicebyc

16、 on veyerbelt(Fig.3),thefruitreceive& distributedeviceca ndetecttheweighti nformatio no ffruitbypressurese nsor,thea nalogweighti nformatio nfro mpressurese nsoris tra nsferredtodigitali nformatio nbyA/Dswitch(Zhu,2001),the digitali nformatio nisse nttothe computer,thecomputerprocessthesei nformati

17、o nbyspecialsoftware,theresultfromcomputerisse nttodif ferent passageway by parallel in terface (the purpose is to con trol the con troller fromfruitreceive &distribute device which can control the destination of the fruits), the digitalinformation from parallel in terface is convert to the an alog

18、sig nal by D/A switch, the an alog drjee signal is magnified by signal ampl ifier and it is sent to the fruit receive &di stribute device ino rdertoco ntroltheFlowDirecti onoft hediffere ntwe ightfruit .I no rdertoe nterthe nextsort in gstep, which is appearance sorting, the fruit from wei ght s

19、orting device is sent to theappearancesorting device to be sorted by appeara nce sort ing device. The Desig n of Fruit Automated Sort in gSy stem Fig . 4 . The hardw are consists of the w e ig ht sortingdevice 2.2.2 The appearance sorting device and its work principle The fruit from weight s

20、orting device is sent to the fruit receive &distribute device oftheappearance sorting device (Fig. 4), the high speed camera shoot fruit from various an gles,theimagefromcamerabese nttothecomputerbythevideocapturecard,thecomputerprocessthevide o in formati on by special software, the result from com

21、puter is the classified sig nal of fruit,the sig nal ope n the differe nt sort ing passageway by parallel in terface, and the n the sig nalismag nified by the signal amplifier. In order to control the fruit receive &distribute device, thefruits are sent to the different passageway, and at last the f

22、ruit can be sent to the packagedevice.The image from camera should be processed by edge detecti on and no ise remov ing (eve n itmustbecurvefitti ng)(Guo,2004),a ndthe ni tbematchedtodiffere ntfruitappeara ncesothatthe fruit can be sorted byappeara nce. 2.2.3 The quality sorting device and its work

23、principle The two devices, which is the quality sort ing device and appeara nce sort ing device, have the similar work process (Fig. 4). there are two different: one different is that the highspeedcameramustbei nfraredhighspeedcamera;a no therdiffere ntisthattheyhavediffere ntprocesss oftware .the

24、software of the quality sorting device can process the fruit appeara nce quality(suchas color and luster, stain etc) and inner quality (it is rot or not) according to the imagefromcamera. It sorts manly according to the image from the infrared high speed camera and thetradesta ndard .In theprocessof

25、sorti ng,itmakesfulluseofthedigitalimageprocessi ngtech no logya ndPa tternRecog niti on tech no logy.l ngen eral,thefirststepistoscree naccordi ngtocolora ndluster and sta in, the second step is to screen the inner quality of the fruit according to theinfraredimage. 3. THESOFTWAREDESIGNOFFRUITAUT

26、OMATEDSORTINGSYSTEM In the course of the desig ning software of the System, differe nt developme nt tool should be thought because it refers to the hardware. the software of weight sorting and thecomputerinterface is need to be developed by assembler programming Ianguage because it referstohardwar

27、e, other software, such as the digital imageprocessing, the serial interfacecommunication etc, can be developed by Vc++, It has several special C on trol in Vc++ aboutserial in terface com muni cation (Do ng,2005). 4. SUMMARY The frui t automated sorting system refers to differe nt tech no logy f

28、orm diff ere ntsubject,suchasautomatictech no logy,thesoftwareandhardwaretech nologyofcomput er.Thedig italimageprocessingtechnology,theartific ialint ell igencetechnol ogyetc.thepaperintroducedthedesignth oughoffrui tautomatedsortingsystem,theconsistsofhardware,workprinciplean dthedesignofsoftware.

29、T hefinalappli cationofthesystemcanbringabout largesocialbenefitandeconomic benefit to agriculture product ion an dma nageme nt. REFERENCES [1] Dong S. L. Application of PLC in the Automatic Sorting S ystem, Machine Tool & Hydraulics,2005,5:136-147. [2] Guo X. F., Liu W. T. An Automatic Feather

30、Selecti ng System by Image Processi ng,ModernElectro nic Tech ni que, 2004,3:30-33. ⑶ Han Y. M., Wang D., Wei H. H., Tan C. Q. The Desig n of the Parcel AutomaticSorti ngSystem, Mechanical &Electrical Engineering Magazine, 2004,8:11-12. [4] Hua ng Q. M. Automatic Sort ing S ystem and An alysis of

31、 applicati on prospect,LogisticsTech no logy, 2002,5:7-15. [5] XieL. X., Yang H. Y. Design and Implementation of Statistic and Analysis S ystemforAutomatic Luggage Sorting System, Computer Engineering(Supplementary Issue), 2005,31:3-6. [6] Xu S . Y. Automatic Sorting System and the applicati on,

32、 Logistics and MaterialHa ndli ng,2002,3:33-39. [7] Zhu Z. T. The design of computer auto-sorting system, Computer Engineering an dDesig n,2001,6:66-88. 中文譯文 水果自動分揀系統(tǒng)的設計 摘要:本文介紹了水果自動分揀系 統(tǒng)的流程和設計方案,計算機技術和自動化技術已經(jīng)應用于現(xiàn)代農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)和管理中。在這個系 統(tǒng)中,有一些技術的應用,如檢測與控制技術,數(shù)字化圖像處理技術,計算機外圍設備和接口 技術,模式識別技術等,這些都用于水果自動 分揀系統(tǒng)

33、。 關鍵詞:水果,自動分揀系統(tǒng),自動化,數(shù)字圖像處理,模式識別。 1. 介紹 隨著現(xiàn)代農(nóng)業(yè)和林業(yè)的發(fā)展和工業(yè)標準的提高, 國內外的水果產(chǎn)量迅速增加。 一方面, 不同區(qū)域的水果在本地售賣。另一方面,很多水果銷往其他地區(qū)甚至遠銷國外,并且這些 水果需要根據(jù)不同的品質來分類。為了將這些水果分類包裝,我們就必須設計一種水果自 動分揀系統(tǒng),因為手動分揀這些水果會比較困難,一方面是效率低下;另一方面是不能滿 足當代的水果分裝要求,現(xiàn)代的水果分裝具有多層次并符合高衛(wèi)生標準。 在第二次世界大戰(zhàn)以后,在發(fā)達國家的物流中心、配送中心、流通中心自動分揀系統(tǒng) 已 經(jīng)成為一種基本的設備。早在 20世紀60年

34、代,自動分揀系統(tǒng)就已經(jīng)在美國和歐洲使用 了,到了 70年代也已經(jīng)在日本使用。目前,自動分揀系統(tǒng)也被成功的運用在了郵局系統(tǒng)里。 隨著現(xiàn)代化標準的 進步,自動分揀系統(tǒng)越來越多的應用于更多領域。不過就目前來看,自 動 分揀系統(tǒng)還沒有成功 應用于對水果進行 分類,因為這個要同時 考慮太多的知識和目標, 也 要求更高水平的人工成分。我們現(xiàn)在只能從蘋果供應商公司得到一點消息,該公司設計了 一套水果自動分揀系統(tǒng) 2. 水果分揀系統(tǒng)的硬件設 計在這個系統(tǒng)設計的過程中,水果分類需要全面考慮各種因素。還有 各種技術因素,如 檢測和控制技術,電腦周邊設備和接口技術,數(shù)字圖像處理技術和模式識別技術,都有應

35、 用其 中,另外,先進算法也要用在模式識別當中,可以提高水果分揀的計算準確率。 2.1水果分揀系統(tǒng)的硬件組成 目前已有很多種自動分揀系統(tǒng),而且標準也各有不同。一般來說, 自動分揀系統(tǒng)包括 七個部分,分別是: 收集輸送機,輸送帶,分揀說明的設置裝置, 合流設備,分揀輸送機, 分揀和卸貨口,電腦控制器。(見圖 1) 水果自動分揀系統(tǒng)的設計圖 圖1.水果自動分類系統(tǒng)的硬件圖 (1)進給輸送帶;(2)裝貨物輸送帶;(3)鋼輸送帶;(4)換向器;(5)輸出輥子;(6)分揀道口; (7)信號發(fā)射器;(8)激光 ISBN掃描儀;(9)接近開關;(10)磁信號發(fā)生器;(11)控制器;(1

36、2)磁信號接收器;(13)全方位探測器; 2.2水果自動分揀系統(tǒng)的軟件組成和工作原理 水果自動分揀系統(tǒng)是以傳統(tǒng)的分揀系統(tǒng)為基礎,但是又不同于傳統(tǒng)的分揀系統(tǒng),它是一 個高智能,實時的,多層的,多領域和多層次的系統(tǒng)。這個系統(tǒng)包括幾個部分,如輸送 設備, 重量分揀設備,外觀分揀設備和質量分揀設備等 。 去外觀分 選裝髯2- 驕呈歸揀 裳蜀存 去外觀分選 裝貿比 圖2水果自動分類系統(tǒng)的組成 水果自動分揀系統(tǒng)的功能模塊與其硬件相適應,包括三個模塊,分別是重量分類模塊、 外觀 分類模塊和質量分類模塊。每個功能模塊的工作原理如圖 3所示(Han, 2004)。 圖3重量分選裝置

37、的硬件構成 221 重量分類設備及其工作原理需要分類的水果通過傳輸帶傳輸?shù)剿邮赵O備與配送 設備(圖3),水果接收與配送 設備可以利用壓力傳感器獲得水果重量的信息,從壓力傳感器上獲得的模擬重量信息通過 模 擬/數(shù)字轉換器轉換為數(shù)字信息(Zhu,2001),數(shù)字信息被傳送給計算機,計算機利用特 定 的軟件處理這些信息,最后由計算機得出的結果通過并行接口發(fā)送到不同的通道(這樣 做的 目的是為了控制從水果接收與配送設備),并行接口中的數(shù)字信號由數(shù)字 /模擬轉換器 轉換 成模擬信號,為了控制不同重量水果的流方向,我們將得到的模擬信號使用信號放大器放大 后再發(fā)送給水果接收與配送設備。

38、為了進入下一個分類模塊,即形狀分類模塊,我們將重量 分類設備分揀出的水果傳送到外觀分類器中。 并行接口* D4銬抑 圖4重量分選裝置的硬件構成 2.2.2外觀分類器及其工作原理 從重量分類器中挑出的水果被傳送到外觀分類器中的水果接 收與配送設備中,首先利 用高速照相機從不同的角度拍攝水果的形狀,從照相機中獲得的圖片通過視頻采集卡傳送給 計算機,然后計算機利用特定的軟件處理采集卡上的信息,利用計算機處理后的結果是水果 的分類信號,該分類信號利用并行接口打開了不同的分類通道,接著用放大器放大該信號。 為了控制水果接收與配送設備,我們將水果傳送到不同的通道,最后將水果傳送到 包裝

39、設備。相機中的圖片應該進行邊緣檢測和去噪處理(甚至必須進行曲線校正)( Guo , 2004),然后將處理完的圖片信息與不同的水果 外觀做匹配,這樣就可以在外觀上將水果 進行分類。 223質量分類器及其工作原理質量分類器和外觀分類器這兩個設備的工作原理差不多(圖 4)。但二者存在兩個不同 點:一個是高速相機必須是紅外線高速相機; 軟件可以根據(jù)相機獲得的圖片處理水果外觀質量 (是否腐爛)。它主要是根據(jù)紅外線高速相機 另一個是處理軟件不同。質量分類器所用的 (如:顏色和色澤、染色等)和內部質量 和行業(yè)標準進行分類的。在分類的過程中, 設備充分的使用了數(shù)字圖像處理技術和模式識別技

40、術。 總而言之,第一步主要根據(jù)顏色、色澤和 染色程度來審 查水果的外部質量,第 二步是根據(jù)紅外線圖像 來審查水果的內部質量。 3. 水果自動分揀系統(tǒng)的軟 件設計在系統(tǒng)軟件設計過程中, 需要根據(jù)它的硬件來考慮開發(fā)不同 的軟件開發(fā)工具。根據(jù)硬 件要求,重量分揀和計算機接口的軟件應該用匯編程序語言, 其他的軟件,比如數(shù)字圖像 處理,串行接口通信,要用 Vc++來開發(fā),因為在 Vc++中有關于串行接口通信的幾個特 殊控制。 4. 總結水果自動分揀系統(tǒng)參考應用了不同的技術和不同的主體, 如自動技術,計算機的軟 件 和硬件技術,數(shù)字圖像處理技術, 人工智能技術等等。本論文主要介紹了水果自動

41、分揀系 統(tǒng)的設計思想,硬件組成,工作原理和軟件設計。這個系統(tǒng)的最終應用會給農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)和管 理 中帶來巨大的社會利益和經(jīng)濟利益。 參考文獻 [1] DongS.L.可編程序控制器(PLC)在自動分類系統(tǒng)的應用 .機床及水力學.2005年,5:136-147。 [2] GuoX.F.,LiuW. T.自動羽毛選擇系統(tǒng)圖像處理 .現(xiàn)代電子技術,2004,3:30-33。 [3] Han Y. M., Wang D., Wei H. H., Tan C.Q.包裹自動分類系統(tǒng) .機械和電氣工程專業(yè)雜 志,2004 年,8:11-12。 [4] HuangQ.M.自動分類系統(tǒng)和物流技術的應用前景 .物流技術,2002年,5:7-15。 ⑸Xie L. X., Yang H.Y.設計和實現(xiàn)自動統(tǒng)計與分析系統(tǒng)的行李整理系統(tǒng) .計算機工程(補 充),2005 年,31:3-6。 ⑹XuS.Y.自動分類系統(tǒng)和應用.物流及材料處理,2002年,3:33-39。 [7]ZhuZ.T.計算機自動分揀的設計系統(tǒng)、計算機工程與設計 .2001年,6:66-88。

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