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落實基礎。1. He speaks English with great________ (流利). 答案。reaction 2.The data should be________(更新)once a week. 答案。updated 3.The。Unit 21。supreme 3.Why。


1、教材復習,第一部分,Unit 19,Language,Section 課前預習,落實基礎,1. He speaks English with great________ (流利) 答案: fluency 2Before starting the new service, the company ca- rried out________(全國的) opinion poll. 答案: nationwide 3Several________(十年)have elapsed since I graduated from the college. 答案:decades,4He made the rules without being ________ (明確,清楚) about them. 答案: explicit 5The language in the Ministers statement is highly ________(模棱兩可) 答案:ambiguous 6Our c________。

2、教材復習,第一部分,Unit 20,New Frontiers,Section 課前預習,落實基礎,1. Running away is our instinctive _________ (反應) when we meet danger. 答案: reaction 2The data should be________(更新)once a week. 答案:updated 3The lost explorers ate birds eggs to stave off ________ (饑餓) 答案: starvation,4Your request ________(沖突)with my duties. 答案:conflicts 5I share my office with two________(同事) 答案:colleagues 6Jane was painting the walls and m________ Pat was watching TV. 答案:meanwhile,7Un。

3、教材復習,第一部分,Unit 21,Human Biology,Section 課前預習,落實基礎,1. They have sold up ten crates of___________(礦物) water in the afternoon. 答案:mineral 2It was the________(最高的)moment in his life. 答案:supreme 3Why does he have to wrap it all up in such_____ ___(復雜的) language? 答案:complicated,4The________ (處方)of drugs is a doctors responsibility. 答案:prescription 5They are a________(聯(lián)合)family. They never quarrel with each other. 答案: united 6Is military service c________ in 。

高考英語新一輪總復習 Unit19 Language 1課前預習落實基礎課件 北師大版選修7.ppt
高考英語新一輪總復習 Unit20 New Frontiers 1課前預習落實基礎課件 北師大版選修7.ppt
高考英語新一輪總復習 Unit21 Human Biology 1課前預習落實基礎課件 北師大版選修7.ppt
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