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Original ArticleEffects of operating factors for an axial-flow corn shelling unit onlosses and power consumptionWaree Srison,a,bSomchai Chuan-Udom,a,b,*Khwantri Saengprachatanaraka,baDepartment of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002, ThailandbApplied Engineering for Important Crops of the North East Research Group, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002, Thailanda r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received 20 August 2015Accepted 2 May 2016Available online 26 December 2016Keywords:Corn shelling unitMoisture contentFeed rateRotor speeda b s t r a c tThe operating factors were studied for an axial-flow corn shelling unit that affected losses and powerconsumption. The shelling unit was 0.90 m long, with a diameter toward the end of the peg tooth of0.30 m. The factors comprised three levels of moisture content (MC), three levels of feed rate (FR), andthree levels of rotor speed (RS). The experiments were conducted based on response surface method-ology and 23factorial designs. The results of this study indicated that the MC significantly affected grainbreakage and power consumption, but did not affect shelling unit losses. Increasing the MC increasedboth the grain breakage and power consumption. The FR affected the power consumption but did notaffect shelling unit losses and grain breakage. Increasing the FR increased the power consumption. TheRS had a significant impact on the shelling unit losses, grain breakage and power consumption.Increasing the RS increased the grain breakage and power consumption, but decreased the shelling unitlosses. Empirical models were formulated based on multiple linear models.Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Kasetsart University. This is an open access articleunder the CC BY-NC-ND license (http:/creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).IntroductionCorn is a feed raw material and is important for the livestockindustry (Farjam et al., 2014). Corn production is based on its va-rietyand, additionally,the harvesting mechanism is oneof themostimportant components in corn production processes (Reference)(Chuan-Udom, 2013).Kunjara et al. (1998) discussed corn shelling in Thailand fromwhich the following information is sourced. Corn shelling has beenused and modified since 1929. The development of corn shellerequipment was mostly conducted by local manufacturers, with themost corn shellers used for de-husking being the rasp bar shellerand peg-tooth sheller. These shellers have been tested and evalu-ated to determine their best operational performance until theaccumulative losses (grain losses and grain breakage) were lessthan 1.5%. Nevertheless, with a rasp bar sheller, it was found thatbroken crop components remaining on the concave surfacesreduced the effectiveness of grain separation, while the powerconsumption and shelling drum speed of the peg-teeth shellerwere double that of the rasp bar sheller (Kunjara et al., 1998).A shelling unit for corn husker shelling was originally developedbased on a wheat threshing unit, which was efficient but the grainbreakage was relatively high (Department of Agriculture, 1996).Chuan-Udom (2013) studied the operating factors of Thai threshersaffecting corn shelling losses and found that an axial flow ricethresher was highly efficient and easy to clean, with little grainbreakage, with the adjustment to shell corns being economical andrequiringonlyeasy modification. Moreover, the principle of an axialflow shelling unit is suitable for Thailand and conditions in Asiancountries (Singhal and Thierstein, 1987; Chuan-Udom, 2011).The study of the operations and adjustments of the Thai, axialflow, rice combine harvester by Chuan-Udom and Chinsuwan(2009) showed that the rotor speed, guide vane inclination, grainmoisture content, feed rate and grain material other than grain hadsignificant effects on the threshing unit losses. Chinsuwan et al.(2003) studied the effects of the rotor tangential speed and feedrate on threshing unit losses and rice grain damage. The data ob-tained showed that the threshing unit losses decreased and thedamage increased when the rotor tangential speed was increased.Andrews et al. (1993) studied the effects of combine operatingparameters on the harvest loss in rice and reported that the feedrate, the ratio of material other than grain to that of grain, grainmoisture content, rotor speed and concave clearance affectedthreshing unit losses. Gummert et al. (1992) reported that the rotor* Corresponding author. Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty ofEngineering, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002, Thailand.E-mail address: (S. Chuan-Udom).Contents lists available at ScienceDirectAgriculture and Natural Resourcesjournal homepage: http:/ and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Kasetsart University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http:/creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).Agriculture and Natural Resources 50 (2016) 421e425speed, feed rate and louver inclination affected threshing unitlosses and that the rotor speed affected grain damage.The appropriate axial flow sheller for shelling corn requires thestudy of important factors that affect losses and the power con-sumption, namely, the rotor speed, feed rate and grain moisturecontent Therefore, the aim of this research was to study the effectsof operating factors of an axial-flowcorn shelling unit on losses andthe power consumption.Materials and methodsCorn shelling unitThis study was conducted using an axial flow corn shelling unitprovided by the Agricultural Research Development Agency (PublicOrganization), Thailand as shown in Fig. 1. The shelling unit was0.90 m long, with a diameter toward the end of the peg tooth of0.30 m, with a controllable rotor speed. There was a powermeasuring device as shown in Fig. 2. The axial flow corn shellingunit consisted of a spike-toothed cylinder. The concave portionlocated under the cylinder was made of curved steel bar. The guidevane inclination was adjustable. The chute for grain under theshelling unit was divided into nine slots. The feed rate wasadjustable by controlling the conveyer belt speed of the materialsinto the shelling unit. The experiments were performed at thelaboratory scale.This study was performed with Pioneer B-80 corn variety.Factors studied and experimental designThe range of operating factors affecting losses and the powerconsumption of an axial flow corn shelling unit were the mois-ture content (MC), feed rate (FR) and rotor speed (RS), as shownin Table 1. Following a factorial experimental design, a largenumber of factors and degrees were required to determine thequantity of materials and the experimental unit. Thus, a 23factorial experimental design was applied, as shown in Table 2, toreduce the use of materials and the time for testing (Berger andMaurer, 2002).Testing methodEach test used 10 kg of corn. The corn was fed into the inlet ofthe shelling unit on a conveyor belt. The samples taken from thehusks and cobs outlet was screened until only corn grain remainedand the grain was weighed and subtracted from the original 10 kgof corn and the result was considered as the shelling unit loss (TL).To obtain the percentage of grain breakage (GB), two 1 kg sampleswererandomly taken fromthe chute, the GB wasseparated byhandand the weight of the GB was recorded. In this experiment, a torquetransducer with a strain gauge (KFG-2-350-D2-11L1M3R; SokkiKenyujo Co. Ltd.; Tokyo, Japan) was used. The torque meter wasinstalled on the cylinder shaft to measure the torque and tocalculate the power consumption (P).Data analysisFrom the obtained parameters, the terms TL, GB and P wereused to construct multiple line models. Then, the models wereFig. 1. Corn shelling unit.Fig. 2. Power measuring device.Table 1Independent variables and their factor levels.VariableRange and Levels (coded)e0X1; Moisture content (% wet basis)142128X2; Feed rate (t/hr); Rotor speed (m/s)81012Table 2Experimental units based on a 23factorial design for losses and po-wer consumption of an axial flow corn shelling unit for the variablesmoisture content (X1), feed rate (X2) and rotor speed (X3).Experiment numberX1X2X31eee2ee3ee4e5ee6e7e89000100001100012000W. Srison et al. / Agriculture and Natural Resources 50 (2016) 421e425422applied in the analysis of the effects of parameters on losses andthe power consumption based on response surface methodologyand 23factorial designs, determining the effects of each param-eter on the coefficient of determination (R2) using the DesignExpert software package (version 7; Stat-Ease Inc; Minneapolis,MN, USA.). ANOVA was used for regression analysis of thedesign factors affecting TL, GB and P. Significance was tested atp FModel10.1571.4518.770.0001Model is significantMC1.93 ? 10?0.00511.93 ? 10?0.0052.49 ? 10?0.0040.9876FR1.82 ? 10?0.00311.82 ? 10?0.0030.0240.8796RS9.5719.57123.93 FModel19.5471.4551.620.0001Model is significantMC16.80116.80310.70FModel6.59 ? 100.00679.42 ? 100.005580.580.0001Model is significantMC1.53 ? 100.00611.53 ? 100.006944.000.0001FR3.93 ? 100.00613.93 ? 100.0062422.030.0001RS8.74 ? 100.00518.74 ? 100.005535.670.0001MC*FR86,211.76186,211.7653.160.0001MC*RS57,765.05157,765.0535.620.0001FR*RS86,211.76186,211.7653.160.0001MC*FR*RS1.54 ? 100.00515388.243.320.0841Pure error36,202.20191621.79Correlation total6.95 ? 100.00627MC moisture content, FR feed rate, RS rotor speed (RS); DF degrees of freedom.Fig. 6. Response surface plot of power consumption (P) showing the effect of feed rate(FR) and moisture content (MC, measured on a weight basis, %wb), when rotor speed(RS) was 10 m/s.Fig. 7. Response surface plot of power consumption (P) showing the effect of moisturecontent (MC, measured on a weight basis, %wb) and rotor speed (RS), when feed ratewas 1.5 t/hr.Fig. 8. Response surface plot of power consumption (P) showing the effect of feed rate(FR) and rotor speed (RS), when moisture content was 14% on a wet basis.W. Srison et al. / Agriculture and Natural Resources 50 (2016) 421e425425