Study Summary of Pollutants Inside Vehicles
作 者
William P. Hastings
譯 名
國 籍
United States Patent
Abstract: Automobile plays an important role in the modern society. Meanwhile, it is also one of the most serious threats to human health in modern society. The world of pollution in the car to carry out a lot of research, the conclusion of the study showed that vehicle emissions in the "tunnel" central, car people suffer the most harmful gas, combined with the automobile built material may be released from the inside and outside attack car pollution to human health caused a serious threat. Contaminants include inhalable particles, molds, and a wide variety of chemicals. Pollution is related to many factors such as the type of vehicle, service life, fuel, traffic congestion, weather and altitude. In order to reduce the harm caused by pollution, some suggestions for healthy driving are put forward
Keywords: Automotive interior Air pollution Healthy driving
1 Investment in air pollution research by country
In pollution of the car sector, from the scientific research institutions, universities, government, environmental health institutions; inspected vehicle school from the private car, public transport vehicles, special vehicles, traffic police to be investigated; people from the roadside pedestrians and cyclists, to drivers, passengers, and special people such as children, all work in the car on the staff; to carry out the study area from the United States, Britain, New Zealand and Australia to Asian countries.
Since the study is directly related to people's health and quality of life, the research not only reflected in the report of academic journals, government agencies, also on the Internet spread. For example: Ireland website http: PPi rishcar. comPICCstuffPICCsitePenvirPfordmondeoad. auto HTM, Canada www. hc2sc. gc. caPhecs website - sescPt sriP researchPtsri 551htm, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency website: PPwww. epa. HTTP indoor air govPiaq, California Environmental Protection Bureau website: http PPwww. calepa. ca. govP, the production of catalytic converter: PPwww. corning. http Corning company website comPEnvironmentalTechnologiesP, green Greenpeace website www.fish. ~ jymPgreenpeacePpollution2inside2cars. HTML comP, clean driving across Texas website: http PPwww. drive2cleanacrosstexas. org, the Australian Government Department of the environment and heritage site: http PPwww. deh. Gov. auPi ndex. HTML, the Federal Highway Administration website: http PPwww. fhwa. dot govPenvironmentPaqfactbkPfacttoc. HTM. Http: PPwww. breathingsafely.comPnozonePj SP website, the school family pollution pollution, workplace pollution and pollution in the car as a separate item, the content of indoor pollution. Hongkong website http: PPwww. cleartheair. org. HK in the introduction of the car when the pollution ridicule, due to the more serious pollution in the car
Don't forget to wear a gas mask!
In Australia, in addition to research institutions and social participation, personal participation, for example, in Adelaide, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth 50 volunteers participated in benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene (BETX) pollution research. Another 200 participants with a small test equipment for the summer and winter of each of the 5 days of monitoring. In 2001 Australia CRISO research institutions, published their findings for two years, the domestic car VOCs concentration seriously exceed the standard, new users appear all sorts of symptoms.
The patrol every day driving time of up to 9 h in 2001 by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, North Carolina highway patrol, Chapel Hill, North Carolina State University jointly launched a cooperation project, study on 12 highway patrol on duty daily for a period of 6 weeks of pollutant exposure, and evaluate the health consequences. The researchers also monitored 12 normal duty patrol officers to determine their heart, lung function and other indicators before duty, on duty, and on duty.
In the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the automobile industry under the support of city Factors Research Institute in New Jersey and Texas, California, Boston City, around the health effects of Massachusetts conducted a concentration of 17 carbonyl compounds in the car analysis monitoring.
In 2001, in the Journal of diesel fuel news, the article published a study on the poisoning of children in diesel and gas fuel vehicles. The California air resources department spent $500 thousand to study the pollution of children waiting for buses and school buses. The results are used as a basis for future development of air quality regulations for children.
At the 2001 annual indoor environment conference in Japan, Yoshida Jung reported the results of a test of a new Nissan car.
In 2003 Carleton of the University of Karman in Canada studied the environmental pollution of the corner of the street, the interior of the car, and the top of the garage. Two buses and two voluntary cars were used in February and in the year of July, and graduate students and assistants were sampled and analyzed in the laboratory.
University of Hong Kong in 2003 Chan reported for the relationship between the 3 kinds of ventilation mode, 4 different conditions of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides concentration inside and outside of the car, using a van, to carry out monitoring and analysis of 80 driving for 5 months.
In 2003, Marion of the University of California in the United States published the latest research results of volatile organic compounds in the Journal of exposure analysis and epidemiology.
2003 the first case of domestic environmental pollution cases in court. Shenzhen Institute of Metrology and quality testing show that the new car formaldehyde serious, up to 10 times. Central Branch of the National Center for environmental technology research center Guangzhou branch of the 2000 vehicles were detected, 9215% of the vehicles are air quality problems. College of Applied Arts and Sciences of Beijing Union University in the indoor environment test center through the measurement certification, CMA mark, then began to research about automobile pollution.
In February 2004, the indoor environment testing center of Beijing Labor Protection Research Institute, the formaldehyde, benzene and other volatile organic compounds of 52 new cars and 54 old cars were tested. Serious air pollution in the car, the detection of 106 cars, formaldehyde, benzene, toluene and xylene are not exceeding the vehicle is only 30, exceeding the vehicle accounted for 72%.
2 Research conclusions:
2.1 People in the car are under greater pollution
In 1983, Tonkelaar pointed out that, regardless of the city or the highway, the car is 50 times the pollution from the highway to 100 m pollution of 18 times. In 1989 Hickman of people exposed to carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides in the environment in the article pointed out that from the British, European and American data show that the driver and passengers is 10 times higher than the bike and pedestrian pollution. 1991 Chan study showed that carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxidation
The value of the material exceeds the WHO recommended safety limit. Carbon monoxide value even more than 8 times the value of the outside environment. 1998 California Environmental Protection Agency reported that the Losangeles area of respirable particulate matter in the car for 218 ~ 3616 gPm3, the concentration of the bus than the fixed station reported a high value of 3 to 5 times. In a 1997 review of the British ETA, the use of roads was exposed to higher levels of air pollution than urban background. And the general view at odds, comparison of pedestrians and cyclists to take public transportation or people, car drivers and passengers can contact more pollution.
2.2 Types of pollution
Car pollution including PM10, the number of the harmful gases and mould, which comes from the new dashboard, sealants, foam cushion, carpet, artificial leather, material aging or in heating gas will be released; deodorant, cleaning agents may cause pollution; in addition to fuel the leak and from the gas engine emissions and particulate matter.
The Federal Highway Administration's website reports two ways of pollution from engine eruptions and fuel evaporation. The car in the travel of 1211 km during the test, the car cold start to produce 413 g volatile organic compounds (VOC), vehicle emissions of 613 gVOC, in the process of moving and cooling time, since the fuel volatilizes, and 213 gVOC released. At the 1995 New Jersey symposium, Scientific Instruments Inc reported the discovery of more than 100 volatile organic compounds in a new Lincoln Continental, including the presence of twelve
Alkenes, phenols, etc.. Two months later, although the concentration decreased significantly, but it is not difficult to detect.
The Australian and New Zealand Conference on environmental protection (ANZECC) believes that there are too many varieties of automotive pollutants, and 28 compounds have been selected as the priority monitoring compounds, as shown in table 2. The total volatile organic compounds for a large class of compounds, including acrolein, acrylonitrile, benzene, styrene, methyl ethyl ketone, four chlorine ethane, three chlorine ethane, toluene, xylene, toluene diisocyanate based etc..
2.3 About carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide
Carbon monoxide is caused by incomplete combustion of fuel. As mentioned earlier, many studies have reported that carbon monoxide is seriously overweight. The 2004 test data show that Beijing city street TVOV exceed the standard is not serious, but the average concentration of carbon monoxide exceed the standard can reach 2 to 3 times, up to 7 times. Dai's article also pointed out that the accumulation of carbon dioxide due to breathing can not be ignored. Within minutes of closing the car, carbon dioxide exceeded the limit of 011 per cent. The greater the number, the faster the rate of carbon dioxide concentration rises. A few minutes later carbon dioxide
Exceeded dozens times. A person sitting in the work, 18 L of carbon dioxide per hour can be exhaled, the car interior volume is usually about 2000 to 3000 L. The car is in the closed state for a long time, causing the driver of carbon dioxide seriously exceed the standard, trance, increasing the possibility of traffic accident. At low temperature, the air sensitive
Sense of reduction, when the cold air in the car open, the problem of excessive harmful gases, easier to be ignored.
2.4 About inhalable particulate matter
For particles with a diameter of less than 10 m, the concentration measured in California in 1997 was between 2 and 110 gPm3, which was lower than the standard of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) at 150 gPm3. But in a study conducted by the International Center for technology assessment in Amsterdam in 1995, the measured concentration was as high as 194 gPm3. 1998 California Environmental Protection Bureau reported that the concentration of respirable particulate matter in the car is 218 ~ 3616 gPm3, close to the highway concentration of 017 ~ 715 gPm3; school concentration of 019 ~ 515gPm3.
2.5 Relationship between temperature and pollutants
The concentration of pollutants increased sharply with the increase of temperature. The main reason is that the release of harmful gases in the vehicle increases with the increase of temperature. 2004 Marion report, from 26 to DEG C, the concentration of TVOC increased by at least 5 times. In 2004, the study showed that the temperature increased by 10 degrees C, the concentration of pollutants increased nearly 1 times. When the temperature is high, even if the vehicle used for many years, the concentration of harmful gases is also high.
3 Recommendations for healthy driving
People put forward many suggestions to reduce pollution, such as automobile pollution:
- for the purchase of a new car, in addition to the usual performance considerations, for the environmental protection index of the factory car can not be let down.
- their car after decoration, attention to the selection of non polluting materials.
- a new car or a new car after decoration, especially in the first half of this year should pay attention to ventilation, as soon as possible so that the car can be volatile gas release clean. If necessary, check the inspection department.
To reasonably reduce the use of air conditioning, in the open air and the warm air, the use of car air inside and outside communication mode. Try to avoid the long time use of the car from the cycle mode.
- no smoking in the car, if smoking, to ensure good ventilation.
- when the body cold tank, to reduce volatilization. Don't pour excess oil, tighten the fuel tank cap, to avoid oil leakage.
The parallel wheel adjustment, maintain proper tire pressure. Regularly replace the air filter and clean up the oil circuit to repair the car's vulnerability.
- as far as possible slows speed, fast acceleration and shortness of parking resulting in fuel consumption over 39%, saving time is only 4%, should avoid aggressive driving.
When driving a car to do a few things. Partnership driving, such as two people driving to save fuel by 30%, reduce pollution by 50%. Do not need to remove the roof rack, take out unnecessary things to reduce the load of the car.
- try to use public transport, bicycle or walking. Drive less, especially in the rush hour traffic and hot weather.
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