畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)任 務 書
(可從教務處網頁上下載)打印,要求正文小4號宋體,1.5倍 , 打印在 上 。
3.任務書內填寫的內容,必須 學生畢業(yè)設計(論文) 的情況 一 , 有 ,應 經 所在專業(yè)
系(院) 領導審 后 可 填寫。
4.任務書內有 學院 、 專業(yè) 名 的填寫,應寫 文 ,不?寫¢字£?。學生的 學號 要寫
5.任務書內 要currency1'文“ 的填寫,應按???fifl 學院–fl畢業(yè)設計(論文)?寫?· 的要求書寫。
6.有 ??? ??的填寫,應 按?”標GB/T 7408—94?¢據(jù)元 ?…格式、‰ ?…、?? ?
`′? ??的要求,一ˉ用?˙¨¢字書寫。 2002?4?2? 或 2002-04-02”。
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)任 務 書
用CATIA??ˇ—汽車萬向傳動裝置 , 導 ?ANAYS?? 有限元分析, 傳
動 有限元 分析。根據(jù)分析 ,得 論, ,?傳動裝置的 一 設計 acurrency1'。
目的在于 學生 分析 ???題的? ,o ; 學生 ? 、正 用currency1'文“的 分
析? ?的工 ? ; 學生 好的工 ??、工 ?。?? 查 究、?向生產實際,
?向工程 術人員學習的工 ?。
2.–畢業(yè)設計(論文)課題任務的內容 要求(包括原始¢據(jù)、 術要求、工 要求 ):
1.分析汽車萬向傳動裝置 構 工 原理;
3.要求運用CAD/CAM/CAE??CATIA ˇ ;
4.要求 究有限元分析 ?,并 與汽車設計、機械制圖、機械設計、材 學、計算機??
有機 、熟練運用;
5.要求運用有限元分析??ANSYS 萬向傳動裝置的零部? ?分析。
1.要求在畢業(yè)設計 程 ,應有嚴肅認真的fl學??,嚴謹求實的工 ?;
2.依據(jù)課題設計任務,認真 ? 、閱讀、整理,正 用工具書 網絡,熟練 計算
?,按? 開題報告、外文currency1'? 內容;
3.按?currency1加答辯,答辯前各項??的? 要 整、齊 。
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)任 務 書
3. –畢業(yè)設計(論文)課題 的要求〔包括圖`、實物 硬?要求〕:
1. 用CATIA??ˇ—汽車萬向傳動裝置 , 導 ?ANAYS?? 有限元分析, 汽車萬向
傳動裝置 有限元 分析。根據(jù)分析 得 論, ,?傳動裝置的 一 設計 acurrency1
3.外文currency1'? 譯文(附原文)3000字。
4. 要currency1'文“:
[1] 陳家瑞.汽車構造:下冊 [M].第3版.北京:機械工業(yè) 版社,2009.
[2] 王望予.汽車設計 [M].第4版.北京:機械工業(yè) 版社,2004.
[3] 王”慶,龔”慶.汽車設計課程設計指導書 [M].北京:機械工業(yè) 版社,2009.
[4] 王霄鋒編著.汽車底盤設計 [M].北京:清華大學 版社,2010.
[5] ·欽珊,殷雅俊 編.材 學 [M].北京: 清華大學 版社,2008.
[6] 王登峰,黃博.CATIA V5機械(汽車)產品 精通教程 [M].北京:人民?通 版社,2007.
[7] 王 榮,陳永波 編.有限元?基礎 ANSYS應用[M].北京:fl學 版社, 2008.
[8] 李永榮,丁先松,李保 .雙十字 萬向節(jié) §角 設計[J].汽車 術, 2012.
[9] 陳曉紅,董海軍, . 十字 萬向節(jié)串聯(lián) 系支撐反 分析[J].機械fl學與 術, 2011.
[10]郎錫澤,舒 ,劉嶸.汽車十字萬向節(jié)轉向機構的運動學設計與 [J].汽車 術, 2012.
[11]倪長明,許南紹,朱文.汽車轉向傳動系統(tǒng)十字 萬向節(jié)傳動 設計 運動仿真分析[J]. 慶工學院學
報, 2009.
[12]賈 .汽車萬向節(jié)十字 效分析[J].機械工程師, 2011.
[13] ,李 榮, .可 式 機十字 式聯(lián) 有限元分析[J], ?設 , 2004.
[14] ,王 生.車 裝置的 制[J].機械工程師, 2002.
[15] , 海 , ˇ軍. CATIA V5 R20 應用[M].北京:清華大學 版社,2011.
[16]朱 ,許 , 峰. CATIA V5機械設計[M].北京:機械工業(yè) 版社,2001.
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)任 務 書
5.–畢業(yè)設計(論文)課題工 ?計 :
?選題,填寫審題`;指導教師下發(fā)任務書,學生查閱課題 currency1'文“、? ,?寫開題報告。
?開題報告、外文currency1'? 譯文、畢業(yè)設計(論文)大 ;開始畢業(yè)設計(論文)。
具體設計或 究 實?, ?畢業(yè)設計(論文)草¢,填寫 ?£查`。
論文或設計?明書、圖 材 , ?畢業(yè)設計(論文)?¢,指導¥師審?。
?畢業(yè)設計 §文檔,學生準 答辯;currency1閱教師currency1閱學生畢業(yè)設計(論文)。
根據(jù)學院統(tǒng)一'“, 畢業(yè)設計(論文)答辯。
負責人: 2016 ? 1 ? 12 ?
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)開 題 報 告
3.“文獻綜述”應按論文的框 成文, 書寫(或打?。┰?開題報告 一 目內,學生寫文獻綜述的
文獻應 于15 ( );
4.有 期的填寫,應 按 標GB/T 7408—94 據(jù)元 交 格式 交 期 時?¢
£?¥?§的要求,一currency1用'“? ?書寫。?“2004 4 26 ”或“2004-04-26”。
5 開題報告(文獻綜述)?fifl按 fi –??書寫,·? 1.5?。
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論文) 開 題 報 告
1.??畢業(yè)設計(論文)?題”?,…據(jù)所查‰的文獻資料, ? 寫 于1000?`′的文獻綜述:
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論文) 開 題 報 告
1.??畢業(yè)設計(論文)?題”?,…據(jù)所查‰的文獻資料, ? 寫 于1000?的文獻綜述:
一 前?
汽車萬向傳動裝置?汽車傳動ˉ的?要˙成¨分,其作用? 在?一 ?上的 ??ˇ— ?
?ˇ , 在 之?的 經 的”?下, ?傳 動a。萬向傳動裝置 要由萬
向 傳動 ? ˙成,要求傳動效??,?用o ,? ,? ,? 容 。傳統(tǒng)的分析
?計???,? , 且 差。ANSYS軟件作為一種廣泛應用軟件,應用有限元?對? 進·靜
a學 動a學 熱a學 電磁學 多種分析。通過ANSYS軟件的應用, 以大大縮短 類零件的設計周期,
從 設計成 , 有利于多種型?產品的開發(fā)。
二 ?題研究現(xiàn)狀及發(fā)展 向
我 汽車業(yè)的??發(fā)展,帶動我 汽車萬向傳動裝置的需求持續(xù)大幅增 。汽車萬向傳動裝置?汽車底盤
傳動ˉ的 要總成之一,在工作 受著巨大的轉矩 動載荷。經 期?用后,技術狀?會發(fā)生 ,從
影響發(fā)動機動a的傳 ,降低傳動效?,加劇燃料消耗,加?輪胎磨損,?時還會影響 ?? 驅動橋的正
工作。它?汽車前后動a的傳動裝置,?汽車正 ·駛 或缺的一¨分。隨著汽車工業(yè)100多 的發(fā)展
歷史,萬向傳動 的設計形式也得到了很快的發(fā)展。展望未來,我 經濟繼續(xù) 持?增 ?度,我 的經濟轉
型也將繼續(xù)向前推動, 家對基 建設的投資加大,尤其?汽車生產企業(yè)。在經濟全球 的今天,技術
全球 ,核心技術?買 來的,尤其像萬向傳動裝置 技術,我們基 處于引進來 著搬的套路來的,在大量
引進的?時,也失去了很多自 發(fā)展的機會,我 應掌握萬向傳動裝置的核心技術,提?? 核心¨件的 a,
降低損耗,成 投資風險。所以,必須把提?自 創(chuàng)新 a放在首位,加 我們自己的技術水平,努a做到
有限元分析?在a學 型上 的 分析 ?, fi? , ?將 續(xù)fi或? 分為 多 元,通過一
把有限 元 成 ?fi 來的 續(xù)fi或? , 把 續(xù)fi轉 為 型來進·a學分析。 軟件
在汽車產品設計 得到了廣泛應用。
目前,對萬向傳動裝置進·有限元分析的 目 :
(1)在靜a作用下,得—萬向傳動裝置 零件的 轉 形 應a分 ,從 了 ? ? 受載荷,
或 形 ? 在 內。
(2)對 ?材料的傳動 載進·靜?分析,從 ¢§傳動 £量 設計 ?,?時從材料成 的 度分
析£量 ?的¥? 。
(3)對萬向傳動裝置的 轉 度§ 轉currency1度進·分析,在此基'上對萬向傳動裝置的?
進·¥ 。
大量?用有限元 ?對汽車傳動ˉ¨件進·設計§分析,將?¨件的設計“加?? 。未來,?對汽車設
計的CAE分析將“加?fi , ?fl度也將隨之提?, 汽車設計的周期會–?縮短,開發(fā)成 將會降低。
? ?·
汽車萬向傳動裝置?汽車?要˙成¨分之一,要求傳 ?的效?要?;傳動時要平?,?動要–。利用
CATIA進·建 ,?后利用ANSYS分析軟件對汽車萬向傳動裝置進·有限元分析,通過分析其 據(jù)??,得
—?論,提—¥ ?,為傳動裝置的進一”¥ 設計提? ?!?以大大縮短萬向傳動裝置總成的開發(fā)
周期,提?設計 量,降低開發(fā)成 。
[1] ?家 .汽車 :下 [M]. 3`.′?:機?工業(yè)—`ˉ,2009.
[2] ?望˙.汽車設計 [M]. 4`.′?:機?工業(yè)—`ˉ,2004.
[3] ? ¨, ¨.汽車設計?fl設計指導書 [M].′?:機?工業(yè)—`ˉ,2009.
[4] ??, ??,ˇ— .基于Pro/E前處?的有限元分析在機?工fl 的應用[J]. 機?工fl師,
[5] , .材料a學 [M].′?: 大學—`ˉ,2008.
[6] fl , . ANSYS 種建 ?的研究[J]. 機?,2005(06).
[7] ?新?,? .有限元?基'及ANSYS應用[M].′?: 學—`ˉ, 2008.
[8] ? ,ˇa. Pro/ENGINEER 動 有限元分析[M]. ? ?電—`ˉ, 2004.
[9] ???,o , . ? 萬向 ˉ ??a分析[J].機? 學§技術, 2011.
[10] ,?進, .汽車 ?萬向 轉向機 的 動學設計§¥ [J].汽車技術, 2012.
[11]? ?, ??, 文.汽車轉向傳動ˉ統(tǒng) ? 萬向 傳動¥ 設計及 動 分析[J].?¨工學 學
報, 2009.
[12] .汽車萬向 ? 失效分析[J].機?工fl師, 2011.
[13] 顯,ˇ友?, . 逆式軋機 ? 式 ?端叉頭有限元分析[J],冶金設備, 2004.
[14]傅 裕,楊??. ANSYS§Pro/ENGINEER之? 型 據(jù)轉 的研究[J]. 機電工fl技術,2005.
[15] 杰,胡 龍,喬建 . CATIA V5 R20?級應用[M].′?: 大學—`ˉ,2011.
[16] 新濤, 祖敏,徐峰. CATIA V5機?設計[M].′?:機?工業(yè)—`ˉ,2001.
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論文) 開 題 報 告
2. ?題要研究或 決的問題 擬采用的研究 段(途徑):
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論文) 開 題 報 告
2. ?題要研究或 決的問題 擬采用的研究 段(途徑):
一 研究目標
用CAD/CAM/CAE軟件CATIA對汽車萬向傳動裝置進·建 , 用ANSYS軟件對汽車萬向傳動裝置進
·靜?分析, 分析其 據(jù)??,為傳動裝置的¥ 設計提? 。
二 研究 段 途徑
(1)做 ?論基' 的準備,??論a學 材料a學,有限元分析。
(2)查‰汽車專業(yè)書籍,了 汽車傳動 ? 。
(3)熟悉計?機軟件,掌握機? a學專業(yè)英·。
(4)查‰大量有 書籍 論文,學習 于?題領域的研究 ?。
(5)?§— 目預§目標 研究”驟 實施。
(6)加 §指導老師 專業(yè)?員的交流,探討 決遇到的疑難問題
? 研究內容
(1)分析汽車萬向傳動裝置? 工作 ?;
(2)選擇 始 據(jù)。
(3) 用CAD/CAM/CAE軟件CATIA進·建 ;
(4) 用有限元分析軟件ANSYS對萬向傳動裝置的零¨件進·靜?分析。
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論文) 開 題 報 告
?對?題所涉及的汽車萬向傳動裝置 的文獻資料進·廣泛‰讀 ? , 對?題研究領域的研究現(xiàn)狀
動? 發(fā)展 向 進·綜?分析 評述, 缺乏自己對研究問題的見 ,基 符?文獻綜述的要求。
2.對 ?題的深度 廣度及工作量的意見 對設計(論文)??的預測:
?題首先利用CATIA軟件對汽車萬向傳動裝置 零件進·建 ,?后對傳動 進·有限元分析,深度 廣度
適 。所涉及研究內容必須要求在認 學習了相 專業(yè)?fl以后,再經過進一”深 學習有限元分析 ?及相
軟件之后,才 做 ?題的,工作量適 。 生經過認 充分?學習 準備工作,應 ?期完成畢業(yè)
3.? ?意開題:√ ?意 □ ?意
2016 03 09
2016 04 07
畢 業(yè) 設 計(論 文)外 文 參 考 資 料 及 譯 文
譯文題目: A new analysis method of evaluation
to improve the vehicle vibration noise
?! I(yè):
職 稱:
A new analysis method of evaluation to improve the vehicle vibration noise
The design of an automotive powerplant mounting system is an essential part in vehicle safety and improving the vehicle noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) characteristics. One of the main problems encountered in the automotive design is isolating low frequency vibrations of the powerplant from the rest of the vehicle. The significant powerplant mass makes the choice of frequency and mode arrangements a critical design decision. Several powerplant mounting schemes have been developed to improve NVH properties concentrating on the positioning and design of resilient supports. However these methods are based on decoupling rigid body modes from a grounded powerplant model which ignores chassis and suspension system interactions.But it cannot be stated that decoupling the grounded rigid body modes of the powerplant will systematically reduce chassis vibrations. In this paper, a new analytical method is proposed to examine the mechanisms of coupling between the powerplant and the vehicle chassis and subsystems. The analytical procedure expands the equation of motion of the vehicle components to such that a domain of boundary conditions used in the 6 degrees-of-freedom powerplant mounting model can be defined. An example of this new procedure is given for improving NVH chassis response at idle speed using the torque roll axis decoupling strategy.
Keywords: Powerplant mounting system; Optimization; Dynamic isolation; Coupled systems
1. Introduction
In vehicles, the engine mounts play an essential role for the noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) comfort. The main functions of these mounts (rubber or hydraulic) are to provide static supports for the powerplant and to isolate the vibrations of the powerplant from the rest of the vehicle. To provide design characteristics necessary for the NVH improvement in terms of rigidity and damping it is essential to simulate the responses of the powerplant mounting system to low frequency vibrations. Is is essential that the model includes the primary interactions between the powerplant mounting system and each of the vehicle subsystems. In the early stages of the vehicle design most of the necessary data needed from the subsystems are not yet fully described. Thus, to begin a theoretical layout of the powerplant mounting system, some reasonable assumptions of the vehicle components must be made. Specifically, the model includes rigid body representations of the powerplant and the chassis; with appropriate values for the location of the centers of gravity, masses, and moments of inertia. This simulation model enables the assessment of the rigid body modes of the powerplant in the vehicle. As well, the motions of the powerplant and the chassis under various engine operating conditions (idle, full load speed sweep) and road/wheel inputs can be analyzed.
Equations of motion for the powerplant mounting system include parameters for a rigid chassis. On the contrary, the chassis flexibility may have a significant effect on powerplant vibrations and mounting forces transmitted from the powerplant to the structure, especially when flexible vibration modes of the chassis are excited. The dominant vibration modes of body structure at idle speed should be the first longitudinal bending mode and the first torsional mode, normally above 30–35 Hz. Experimental verification of the simulation model’s assumptions through measurements of the vibration modes of the chassis should be included in future work.
The current industrial strategies use a model approach to analyze the harmonic response of the powerplant on resilient supports attached to ground (Brach, 1997; Khajepour and Geisberger, 2002). The 6 degrees-of-freedom model used in the modal analysis is interesting insofar as the response to an excitation is calculated and interpreted according to the position in frequency and to the form of the modes.
Typical design strategies move input source frequencies away from the rigid body natural frequencies of the powerplant in order to avoid resonances (Gray et al., 1990; Kano and Hayashi, 1994). Vibrations are minimized within this design approach by manipulating the rigid body modes of the grounded powerplant and shaping the response through the torque roll axis decoupling and the elastic axis decoupling methods attempt. The background theory of these techniques is widely described in literature (Patton and Geck, 1984; Singh and Jeong, 2000; Brach, 1997). However, by considering the powerplant to be grounded these design strategies neglect the influences of the chassis, exhaust subsystem, drive-shaft, wheel suspension . . . .
Lately, researches have focused on the significance of the rigid body modes alignment for grounded powerplant to its invehicle behavior (Sirafi and Qatu, 2003; Hadi and Sachdeva, 2003). These studies deal with the accuracy of NVH vehicle models and raise the problem of interactions between the different subsystems. Various powertrain models have been studied and their accuracy was discussed through a full vehicle model. By the evaluation of actual cases, the existence of these interactions have been clearly demonstrated. Nevertheless, no general formalism have been introduced to evaluate the limits of the modeling assumptions made during the development of the classical 6 degrees-of-freedom powerplant mounting schemes.
The aim of the proposed method is to highlight and identify, through an analytical procedure, the relationships between the powerplant mounting schemes and the vehicle response characteristics. In the second section, the general equations of motion are reformulated using an original matrix, the coupling matrix introduced for coupled plates (Bessac and Guyader, 1996). With the characteristics of the coupling matrix, acceptable boundary conditions used in the traditional 6 degrees-of-freedom mounting strategies can be defined for different engine operating conditions. As an example in Section 3, these parameters are defined for engine models in the idle state. In the last section of the paper, the issue of the torque roll axis decoupling strategy is analyzed using the coupling parameters in terms of improvement of the dynamic chassis responses at idle speed.
2. Formulation of the coupling problem
2.1. Modelling of the vehicle system
Derivation of the equations of motion to simulate dynamic behaviors of powerplant mounting systems with supporting structures, a good modelling of the total vehicle system can consist of four subsystems: the powerplant which includes engine and transmission, the engine mounts, the chassis and the suspension. Since small displacements can be assumed, the powerplant is modelled as rigid body of time-invariant inertial matrix of 6 dimensions. The powerplant is supported by an arbitrary number of mounts on the vehicle chassis, that is modelled as an elastically suspended rigid body as shown in Fig. 1.
The mounts classically used in powerplant mounting application are bonded metal-rubber construction. It is possible to get better isolation effects than conventional rubber mount systems with hydraulic engine mount. Hydraulic engine mount control the damping characteristics by using the fluid viscosity. Elastomeric materials behave visco-elastically, thus engine mounts are represented by three sets of
.mutually perpendicular of linear springs and viscous dampers in parallel. No rotational stiffness of the mounts has been considered. The stiffness matrix Kmi and damping matrix Cmi of a mount i can be written in the local coordinate system as:
,and (1)
Fig. 1. Powerplant mounting model
Fig. 2. Translational u and rotational θ displacements of the powerplant center of gravity.
The subscript mi corresponds to the mount frame coordinates Rmi (Fig. 1) of the ith mount. The stiffness and damping matrices must be transformed from the local mount coordinate system Rmi to the global coordinate system R by the following linear transformation:
,and (2)
The element Πmi is the transformation matrix from the local coordinate system Rmi to the global one R. The elements of Пmi consist of directional cosines of the local frame with respect to R defined from Euler angles.
2.2. Equations of motion
Another transformation is necessary to express the equations of motion of the powerplant and chassis centers of gravity in terms of displacements and rotations. This transformation relates the displacements of each mount with respect to the displacements and rotations of the powerplant and chassis centers of gravity. The superscripts (e) and (c) stands for powerplant and chassis respectively. The superscript (b) may refer to either the powerplant or the chassis. A generalized vector q (Eq. (3)) is defined by combining translational u and rotational θ displacements of the centers of gravity of the powerplant (Fig. 2) and of the chassis.
The position vector of the ith mount’s center of elasticity with respect to the center of gravity of the powerplant and the chassis are given in terms of global coordinate system as:
and each has a corresponding skew asymmetric matrix defined as:
with a generalized form:
Let ui(b) be the translational displacement vector at the mounting point i for the rigid body (b) side. The relative translational displacement vector δi for the ith mount for small motions is related to the rigid body center of gravity motions and the translational displacements at the mounting point according to Eq. (7).
The translational reaction force fi(e) and fi(c) and moment reactionτi(e) andτi(c) resulting from the application of the elastic forces of mounting i on the powerplant and the chassis centers of gravity can be expressed in the R frame as:
At idle speed, the connection to the ground is simply represented by four systems of linear spring and viscous damper in parallel at each wheel, characterized by their stiffness and damping coefficients following the three directions of the vehicle frame coordinates R. The translational reaction force fk(c) and moment reactionτk(c) from the kth suspension applied to the chassis can be expressed in the frame R with the displacement of the chassis u k(c) at the supporting point as:
Similarly, for the road/wheel inputs, a simple model can be used for the wheel-suspension system, with a single degree of freedom. This can be represented by a mass and a spring accounting for the wheel mass and the tire’s stiffness in parallel with a spring and a damper accounting for the suspension system. The dynamic interaction between the vehicle suspension and the powerplant mounting system should be included in future work.
Assuming all elastic loadings from all mounts and suspension, the total elastic loadings on the powerplant and chassis centers of gravity can be expressed through a generalized square stiffness matrix K of 12 dimensions (10), resulting from the assembly of the elementary stiffness matrices (mounts and suspensions).
The matrix K(e→c) is the powerplant’s matrix of influence on the chassis and the reciprocal, K(c→e) is the chassis’s matrix of influence on the powerplant. Using a similar assembly procedure to the elastic loadings, the total damping loadings on the powerplant and chassis centers of gravity can be expressed by a generalized square stiffness damping matrix C of 12 dimensions (11).
Since all component reactive forces are derived in terms of the generalized coordinates, and assuming small oscillations, the equations of motion of the powerplant and the chassis can be written as the matrix form in the frequency domain:
The vector F =t{F(e) F(c)} is the generalized external load vector. The external excitations are harmonics with known frequencies,amplitudes and phases. Engine excitation forces are applied to the powerplant at the center of the crankshaft location.
The response to road inputs can be studied by applying forces or displacements at the suspensions location of ground contact.The matrix M is the generalized mass matrix of the system (13).
m(b) is the mass of the rigid body (b) and Mτ(b) its inertia matrix. C is the generalized viscous damping matrix assuming a proportionally damped system. If a structural damping matrix H is considered, viscous damping term jωC may be replaced by the structural damping term jH. For the following developments, a complex stiffness is used to model the dynamic behavior of the isolators. The bar indicates that the stiffness term is complex ().
2.3. Introduction of the coupling matrix
The response of the powerplant and chassis centers of gravity can be calculated through the solving of Eq. (12). Then, the complex matrix inversion of Eq. (14) is classically used.
The inversion of the impedance matrix can be numerically resolved. Nevertheless, this method hinders the understanding of the coupling phenomena between the powerplant and the chassis. From the traditional equation of motion (14), one can isolate a matrix presenting only terms related to the coupling from the two bodies (15).
For the sake of physical meaning of the coupling mechanism, the term (?ω2M(e)) ?1F(e) in Eq. (15) represents the displacement of the powerplant subjected to its own excitation when the chassis is blocked (suspensions with infinite stiffnesses).This configuration represents the typical industrial model of the grounded behavior of the powerplant (Fig. 3(a)). The term (?ω2M(c)) ?1F(c) represents the displacement of the chassis subjected to his own excitation when the powerplant is blocked (null displacements) (Fig. 3(b)). This configuration, however, does not represent a realistic behavior. We can express the two configurations by the generalized vector displacement of the uncoupled blocked bodies t{q0(e) q0(c) } (16).
Fig. 3. Uncoupled blocked bodies.
While revealing the displacement vector of the coupled systems, Eq. (15) takes the form of a coupling matrix D (Bessac and Guyader, 1996) (Eq. 17).
Each coupling matrix term represents the action of the powerplant mass displacement (respectively chassis) on the chassis mass displacement (respectively powerplant). The matrix of coupling describes the exchange between the masses independent of the external excitation. The coupling matrix, studied in more details in Section 3, is a practical solution to predict the global behavior of a system starting from the behavior of the isolated subsystem.
現(xiàn)有的工業(yè)戰(zhàn)略用模型方法來分析發(fā)動機在接地彈性支撐上的和聲反應(布拉齊,1997;Khajepour and Geisberger, 2002)。模式分析中所采用的6度自由模型是有趣的,它對刺激的反應可以被計算出來,也能根據(jù)頻率定位和模式形式被解釋出來。
典型的設計戰(zhàn)略將輸入端電源頻率從發(fā)動機剛性主體自然頻率中移除以避免共振(Gray 等,1990;卡諾和林文夫,1994)。該設計方法能通過兩種方式將振動最小化,一種是手動操作接地發(fā)動機的剛體模式,另一種是令轉矩軋輥軸線解耦和彈性軸解耦形成反應的方式。很多文獻中都討論了這些技術的背景理論(Patton and Geck, 1984; Singh and Jeong, 2000; Brach, 1997)。但是,考慮到將要接地的發(fā)動機,這些設計策略忽略了底盤、排氣子系統(tǒng)、驅動器軸和車輪懸浮等的影響。
最近,很多研究都集中在接地發(fā)動機的剛體模式校準對其車輛行為的影響上(Sirafi and Qatu, 2003; Hadi and Sachdeva, 2003)。這些研究論述了振動噪音車輛模型的準確性,并引發(fā)了不同子系統(tǒng)之間的相互作用的問題。目前已有人研究出了各種動力系統(tǒng)模型,并使用完整的車輛模型討論其準確性。對實際案例進行評估發(fā)現(xiàn):這些相互作用是存在的。然而,目前還沒有引入任何形式體系來評估在6度自由發(fā)動機裝備方案的發(fā)展中制定的關于模型假設的限制性。
所提出的方法詣在通過分析程序強調和確認發(fā)動機裝備方案和車輛反應特點之間的關系。在第二部分中,作者采用原始矩陣模型以及為耦合平板引進的耦合矩陣模型,再次形成了運動的一般方程(Bessac and Guyader, 1996)。通過耦合矩陣模型的特點,就能為不同的引擎操作條件定義傳統(tǒng)6度自由裝備戰(zhàn)略所采用的可接受的邊界條件。正如第三部分的例子所示:這些參數(shù)是為處于靜止狀態(tài)的引擎模型定義的。該論文的最后一部分通過使用改善空轉速度下動態(tài)底盤反應的耦合參數(shù),分析了轉矩軋輥軸線去耦戰(zhàn)略。
2. 耦合問題構想
,and (1)
,and (2)
2.2. 運動方程
很有必要用另外一個變形來表達發(fā)動機和底盤重心在移位和旋轉方面的運動方程。該變形描述了有關發(fā)動機和底架重心的移位和旋轉。下標(e)和(c)分別代表發(fā)動機和底盤。下標(b)可能指的是發(fā)動機和底盤二者之一。通過結合發(fā)動機(圖2)和底盤重心平移的u和旋轉的θ位移來定義一個廣義矢量q (方程3)。
, (5)
由發(fā)動機和底盤重心i裝備的彈力所產生的平移反作用力fi(e) 和fi(c)以及瞬間作用力τi(e) 和τi(c)可在R框架內按如下方程表達:
在空轉速度,接地僅由每個車輪4組線性彈簧和平行粘性減震器代表,其特點為:它們的剛性和阻尼系數(shù)遵循車架坐標R的3個方向。底盤Kth懸架的平行反作用力fk(c)和瞬間作用力τk(c)可在總坐標系R(在該坐標系中,底盤在支撐點有位移:u k(c)中表達為:
F =t{F(e) F(c)}這一矢量是廣義的外加載矢量。外部刺激和已知的頻率、振幅以及階段都是和聲。發(fā)動機刺激力被運用到了發(fā)動機機軸中心。對路段輸入的反應可通過在接地懸浮位置施加外力或者位移來研究。M矩陣是該系統(tǒng)(13)的廣義質量矩陣。
2.3. 耦合矩陣簡介
為了探求耦合機制的物理含義,方程15中的(?ω2M(e)) ?1F(e)表示的是底盤堵塞時(以無窮大的剛度懸?。碳ぐl(fā)動機所產生的位移。該結構代表的是發(fā)動機接地行為的典型工業(yè)模型(圖3(a))。(?ω2M(c)) ?1