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The basic machines that are designed primarily to do turning, facing and boring are called lathes. Very little turning is done on other types of machine tools, and none can do it with equal facility. Because lathe can do boring, facing, drilling, and reaming in addition to turning, their versatility permits several operations to be performed with a single setup of the workpiece. These accounts for the fact that lathes of various types are more widely used in manufacturing than any other machine tool.
Lathes in various forms have existed for more than two thousand years. Modem lathes date from about 1797, when Henry Maudsley developed one with a lea&crew. It provided controlled, mechanical feed of the tool. This ingenious Englishman also developed a changegear system that could connect the motions of the spindle and lea&crew and thus enable threads to be cut.
Lathe Construction. The essential components of a lathe are depicted in the block diagram. These are the bed, headstock assembly, tailstock assembly, carriage assembly, quick-change gear box, and the lea&crew and feed rod.
The bed is the backbone of a lathe. It usually is made of well-normalized or aged gray or nodular cast iron and provides a heavy, rigid frame on which all the other basic components are mounted. Two sets of parallel, longitudinal ways, inner and outer, are contained on the bed, usually on the upper side. Some makers use an inverted V-shape for all four ways, whereas others utilize one inverted V and one flat way in one or both sets. Because several other components are mounted and/or move on the ways they must be made with precision to assure accuracy of alignment. Similarly, proper precaution should be taken in operating a lathe to assure that the ways are not damaged. Any inaccuracy in them usually means that the accuracy of the entire lathe is destroyed. The ways on most modem lathes are surface hardened to offer greater resistance to wear and abrasion.
The headstock is mounted in a fixed position on the inner ways at one end of the lathe bed. It provides a powered means of rotating the work at various speeds. It consists, essentially, of a hollow spindle, mounted in accurate bearings? And a set of transmission gears similar to a truck transmission through which the spindle can be rotated at a number of speeds. Most lathes provide from eight to eighteen speeds, usually in a geometric ratio, and on modem lathes all the speeds can be obtained merely by moving from two to four levers. An increasing trend is to provide a continuously variable speed range through electrical or mechanical drives.
Because the accuracy of a lathe is greatly dependent on the spindle, it is of heavy construction and mounted in heavy bearings, usually preloaded tapered roller or ball types, a longitudinal hole extends through the spindle so that long bar stock can be fed through it. The size of this hole is an important size dimension of a lathe because it de
termines the maximum size of bar stock that can be machined when the material must be fed through the spinale.
The inner end of the spindle protrudes from the gear box and contains a means for mounting various types of chucks, face plates, and dog plates on it. Whereas small lathes often employ a threaded section to which the chucks are screwed, most large lathes utilize either cam-lock or key-drive taper noses. These provide a large-diameter taper that assures the accurate alignment of the chuck, and a mechanism that permits the chuck or face plate to be locked or unlocked in position without the necessity of having to rotate these heavy attachments.
Power is supplied to the spindle by means of an electric motor through a V-belt or silent-chain drive. Most modem lathes have motors of from 5 to15 horsepower to provide adequate power for carbide and ceramic tools at their high cutting speeds.
The tailstock assembly consists, essentially, of three parts. A lower casting fits on the inner ways of the bed and can slide longitudinally thereon, with a means for clamping the entire assembly in any desired location. An upper casting fits on the lower one and can be moved transversely upon it on some type of keyed ways. This transverse motion pemfits aligning the tailstock and headstock spindles and provides a method of tuming tapers. The third major component of the assembly is the tailstock quill. This is a hollow steel cylinder, usually about 2 to sinches in diameter, that can be moved several inches longitudinally in and out of the upper casting by means of a handwheel and screw. The open end of the quill hole terminates in a morse. Taper in which a lathe center, or various tools such as drills, can be held. A graduated scale, several inches in length, usually is engraved on the outside of the quill to aid in controlling its motion in and out of the upper casting. A locking device permits clamping the quill in any desired position.
The carriage assembly provides the means for mounting and moving cutting tools. The carriage is a reianvely fiat H-shaped casting that rests and moves on the outer set of ways on the bed. The transverse bar of the carriage contains ways on which the cross slide is mounted and can be moved by means of a feed screw that is controlled by a small handwheel and a graduated dial. Through the cross slide a means is provided for moving the lathe tool in the direction normal to the axis of rotation of the work.
On most lathes the tool post actually is mounted on a compound rest. This consists of a base, which is mounted on the cross slide so that it can be pivoted about a vertical axis, and an .upper casting. The upper casting is mounted on ways on this base .so that it can be moved back and forth and controlled by means of a short lead screw operated by a handwheel and a calibrated dial.
Manual and powered motion for the carriage, and powered motion for the cross slide, is provided by mechanisms within the apron,
attached to the front of the carriage. Manual movement of the carriage along the bed is effected by turning a handwheel on the front of the apron, which is geared to a pinion on the back side. This pinion engages a rack that is attached beneath the upper front edge of the bed in an inverted position.
To impart powered movement to the carriage and cross slide, a rotating feed rod is provided. The feed rod, which contains a keyway throughout most of its length, passes throughthe two reversing bevel pinions and is keyed to them. Either pinion cam be brought into mesh with a mating bevel gear by means of the reversing lever on the front of the apron and thus provide "forward" or "reverse" power to the carriage. Suitable clutches connect either the rack pinion or the cross-shde screw to provide longitudinal motion of the carriage or transverse motion of cross slide.
For cutting threads, a second means of longitudinal drive is provided by a lead screw. Whereas motion of the carriage when driven by the feed-rod mechanism takes place through a friction clutch in which shppage is possible, motion through the lead screw is by a direct, mechanical connection between the apron and the lead screw, s This is achieved by a split nut. By means of a clamping lever on the front of the apron, the split nut can be closed around the lead screw. With the split nut closed, the carriage is moved along the lead screw by direct drive without possibility of slippage.
Modern lathes have a quick-change gear box. The input end of this gear box is driven from the lathe spindle by means of suitable gearing. The output end of the gear box is connected to the feed rod and lead screw. Thus, through this gear train, leading from the spindle to the quick-change gear box, thence to the lead screw and feed rod, and then to the carriage, the cutting tool can be made to move a specific distance, either longitudinally or transversely, for each revolution of the spindle. A typical lathe provides, through the feed rod, forty-eight feeds ranging from 0.002 inch to 0.118 inch per revolution of the spindle, and, through tne lead screw, leads for cutting forty-eight different threads from 1.5 to 92 per inch. On some older and some cheaper lathes, one or two gears in the gear train between the spindle and the change gear box must be changed in order to obtain a full range of threads and feeds.
International Journal of Machine Tools received in revised form 2 October 2000; accepted 6 October 2000 Abstract Gears are crucial components for modern precision machinery as a means for the power transmission mechanism. Due to their complexity and unique characteristics, gears have been designed and manufactured by a special type of machine tools, such as gear hobbing and shaping machines. In this paper, we attempt to manufacture the spiral bevel gear (SBG: the most complex type among the gear products) by a three- axis CNC milling machine interfaced with a rotary table. This consists of (a) geometric modeling of the spiral bevel gears, (b) process planning for NC machining, (c) a tool path planning and execution algorithm for both 4-axis and 3/4-axis (three out of four axes) controls. Experimental cuts were made to ascertain the validity and effectiveness of the presented method with a CNC milling machine controlled by the 3/4- axis control mode. 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. Keywords: Gear manufacturing; Spiral bevel gear; Geometric modeling of gears; Sculptured surface machining; Rotary table application; Additional-axis machining technology 1. Introduction Gears are efficient and precision mechanisms for industrial machinery as a means for power transmission. Among the various types of gears (Fig. 1), the spiral bevel gears (SBG) are the most complex type and are used to transmit the rotational motion between angularly crossed shafts. Previous studies on gears have been mainly concerned with the design and analysis of gears. The geometric characteristics and design parameters of SBGs have been studied extensively * Corresponding author. Fax: +82-54-279-5998. E-mail address: shspostech.ac.kr (S.H. Suh). 0890-6955/01/$ - see front matter 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. PII: S0 890-6955(00)00104-8 834 S.H. Suh et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools (2) by the SSM method, a broad range Fig. 2. Special machine tools and cutters for manufacturing SBGs. 835S.H. Suh et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools (3) a special type of gear, for instance “huge” gears of diameter over 1000 mm, and “crown” gears can be machined by the SSM method, which cannot be done by the dedicated gear machine tools, except in very limited cases. In view of the above, special attention is given to the capability of the SSM method in terms of geometric accuracy and surface quality together with machining time. If the performance is comparable, except for the production rate, the SSM method can be applied in industrial practice for NC machining of huge SBGs, while the production rate is not emphasized. This paper presents comprehensive technology including geometric modeling, process planning, tool path algorithms, and experimental validation. 2. Geometric modeling of the SBGs Typically, geometric specification of SBGs is given by a set of parameters. These parameters are provided with an engineering drawing, as shown in Fig. 3. Some parameters (principal parameters) are required for defining the geometry, while others (auxiliary parameters) can be derived based on a formula. Table 1 summarizes some of the crucial parameters including relation- ships among parameters 2. Using the parameters, the surface model can be derived as follows. As illustrated in Fig. 4, the surface between two teeth is modeled by the large section curve swept along the spiral curve. The section curve is decomposed into five fragments; S i (u i , i P 1:5, where u i P 0, u max i ) is the parameter for fragment i. Denoting w by the parameter along the spiral curve, the surface model can be represented by S i (u, w), i P 1:5 as shown in Fig. 4. S i and S 5 are the involute surfaces, and S 2 and S 4 the filleted surfaces, and S 3 the bottom surface. Fig. 3. An engineering drawing. 836 S.H. Suh et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools (b) only three axes out of the four axes can be controlled simultaneously. The latter is called the additional-axis machine system, which can often be found in industrial practice where the rotary table is controlled by the fourth axis of the three-axis machine tool controller (see 11 for details). In this paper, we present a tool path algorithm for both configurations. 3.2. Machining strategy The workpiece is premachined as a conic form by turning operation. The volume to be removed is the swept volume of the cross-section CUIW along the spiral curve defined by S i (u, w), i P 1:5). The volume is removed by several processes: (1) rough cut with several flat endmills; (2) semi-finished cut with several ball endmills; and (3) finish cut with a ball endmill. To minimize the machining time, a larger tool is desired for the rough cut and semi-finish cut. The finish cut allowance is set (for instance 0.3 mm), and the semi-finish cut removes the uneven surface (resulting from the rough cut). During the finish cut, the whole surface is machined by a single ball endmill of diameter D=0.8I (this is based on a heuristic), where I is the chodal length between the two points defining the S 3 curve in the small section curve (see Fig. 4). This is to prevent any cutter marks on the surface due to tool change. Tool path algorithms for rough and semi-finished cuts are omitted for the brevity of the paper. 3.3. Tool path planning for finish cut The surface model S 1 (u, w) is machined by a ball endmill of radius R. As mentioned earlier, the involute surfaces S 1 and S 5 are the most important surfaces, the accuracy of which should be strictly controlled. Our method is based on the CC-parametric scheme, where the CC-points are sampled from the parametric surface model, equally distanced on the parametric plane. For the sake of machining efficiency, tool motion along the w direction is chosen. In what follows, inter- ference-free CL-data for S 5 (u, w) is presented, as the same can be applied for S 1 (u, w). 841S.H. Suh et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools and (b) finding a feasible range of the interference-free tool axis, followed by selecting an interference-free axis. We take the second approach. In what follows, we present a computationally efficient method for finding a feasible range defined by the two bounding axes A 1 and A r for the given CC-point S 1 (u, w) as shown in Fig. 8. Suppose the tool center point and its unit normal vector are given by C and N C . Then, the tool motion in the four-axis configuration is defined on the CL-plane: P C =PuP x =C x , where C x is the x value of C. Let C 1i , i P 1:m, C 2j , j P 1:n be the offset points on the CL-plane (Fig. 9). Noting that T 1 P C 1i , T 2 P C 2i , consider the problem of finding T i . Define the reference axis (Fig. 9(a) as V5CC 11 3N C (11) Fig. 7. TBI in the boundary region. 842 S.H. Suh et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools A5 uCT 2 uCT 1 +uCT 1 uCT 2 uCT 2 uCT 1 +uCT 1 uCT 2 (16) In general, the tool axis vector is not aligned with the spindle axis (Z). In the four-axis con- figuration where the workpiece is oriented by the rotary table, it is necessary to align the tool axis vector with the spindle axis. The rotation angle to access a CC-point S 5 (u, w) is determined such that the tool axis vector A(u, w) is parallel to the XZ-plane. Decomposing the tool axis vector into A x , A y , A z the rotation angle (Fig. 10) is Fig. 10. Tool-axis determination for four-axis control. 844 S.H. Suh et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools 2. convert the rotational angle range into the y i value y min i , y max i by Eq. (17). Step 2: Determine y* as follows: set I=1, where I is the number of groups in the CC-path 1. find y min i , y max i =intersection of y min i , y max i , for i P I; 2. if the intersection range is found, then y =y min +y max /2, and exit; 3. otherwise, divide the CC-points into I+1 groups and go to Step 2.2. 845S.H. Suh et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools (b) Adjacent pitch error, (c) Accumulated pitch error. 5. Concluding remarks In this paper we attempted to manufacture the spiral bevel gear using the CNC milling machine based on the sculptured surface machining method. For such a purpose, we investigated surface modeling and the tool path computing algorithm. The surface model accepts the gear parameters as input and outputs the bi-parametric surface model so that it can be directly used for deriving the tool path via the CC-parametric scheme. Note that almost all previous works have been con- cerned with the design aspect, and the bi-parametric surface model has not been explicitly derived. The tool path algorithm presented in this paper was based on the CC-parametric scheme. In developing the tool path algorithm, geometric accuracy and surface quality were addressed, 850 S.H. Suh et al. / International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 41 (2001) 833850 together with machine tool configuration. By the tool path algorithm. the involute surface can be accurately machined without tool interference due to tool size and the tool axis for both four- axis and 3/4-axis control. Also, we tried to reduce the computational complexity by exploiting the geometric characteristics of the gear. The validity of the surface model was verified via comparison with the genuine product (manufactured by dedicated machine tools). The result showed good conformity, as the bi-para- metric model was derived based on the definition of the gear parameters. Even if there is slight unconformity, the performance of a pair of gears is practically acceptable. Also, the machined pair of gears was tested via a gear-mating machine, showing a smooth motion without noise. Distinguished from the conventional method by the dedicated machine tools, the presented method can produce any type and size of SBGs, so long as the geometric model is provided. Hence, it can be practically applied, especially to produce huge gears with crowns which cannot be machined by the dedicated machine tool. Elaboration of the machining strategy and feedrate optimization for the reduction of machining time is left for further study. 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