1、2021國(guó)家開(kāi)放大學(xué)電大專科《英語(yǔ)語(yǔ)音》期末試題及答案(試卷號(hào):3949) 盜傳必究 I . Which did you hear? (1 point for each correct answer) Choose from the following groups of words the one you hear. Mark the corresponding letter In ynur anxMcrthccl* Each of the words will be read once only. 1. A. train B. brain c. rain D? dra
2、in 2. A. pitch B. beach c. ponrh D. patch 3. A. about B. abide c. abound D. above 4. A. speftk B? spike c. Apook D. strike 5. A. bottle B. battle c. better D. batter 6. A. phone B. fine c. find D. found 7. A. early B. elderly c. wearily D? merely
3、 8. A. think H. thank c. thick D. thing 9. A. B. soul c. saw D. sow 10, ,A . moon B. mourn c. mean 1). men D ? Listen and respond. (2 points for each correct answer> Choose the correct , answers.1 responses to tbc questions yon hear. Mark the corresponding lette
4、r in your answerxheete Each of the sentence% will be read twice. L A. But they need more practice before they learn the skills B. But they seem to prefer the old scales. 2. A. You mean my life in the country? B You mean the one I bought yesterday? 3? A. Yeaht theyfve neve
5、r been here before. B. Not they knew nothing about it. 4. A. Im not sure. IF have to check. H. I donft think so. It fll stay sunny. 5. A. He took some medicine. He threw lhem away |]| . Huw du you pronounce the word? (2 p<4nti for each correct word) Lhtcn (o the following vcnlcncei and writ
6、e down Ihr phonetic fymboh of underlined words. Each of the sentences will Iw rrud lwket Examplci I boufthi n nrw raincoat the other Hay. lt There tt ft real differrnce between them. 2. They Im電hed for a long time. 3. They showed great int*頑 in 4. Would you plfam lend me your [竺絲I? Welcome io t
7、hr EnftHah
8、 the following ncntcncc* and mark out the intoruillon units. Each of the scntrnirs will be read once only. Example i Thon。who old quickly/ fnnde a prolil. 1. hone of thr bctit cincrrinn in town with nuprrb *ound 2. Within ■ few hourn you have tent thounnd9 of communtcMtive rncuMKcw. 3. Theyf re
9、easier to mnnngrt chrnper to run ond more uccurc< 4. Shr opened her cyo and bow the nt the door. 5. Mnny breakthroughs in nacnce and m^pirauon^ in the artn romr dunng drennu. 6. I love all the reasons> but I think winter^ my (avouritcu 7. Sorry to trouble you. but could you Irnd me wme pens? 8.
10、 I didnt like chccc when I wn$ a smnll child, but now I do, 9. Hvc got ■ job m n nurwc with n voluntary otRnnuiiiUon. 10e Wh!% the mot cmbarrniisitm experience that youfvc ever hnd. V t Nudtmu (2 point* for each ncntcncc) LUtrn to thr followini: wntcncei and murk out the nuclru^ of cch of the I
11、ntonulion nnlU. The dialogues will be read twice. ExAmplei —Wuiild you like ur ( 4)coffee? —ril have (\)co(frrt《/)pltui、c. —(\)Milk and (/Xurjr? —No (\>rnilk. 1 have it ( Qblack, with one (\)nii|(iir. ( 4)Thunkn. A .Good nhcrnoonC ). Can I hrlp( ) you? BtI want lu buy Bumrthing for my( ) nir
12、cr. A1 Some ( )tilk7 Bi No. not alike I* vc bought ? lot of silk( >alroidy? A1 Perhaps youd like ) cot ton? Bi Yen. A* What kind would you( )like? Bi Hnret wmething ( ) pretty? (or n little ( ) girL who Is younger than my daughter ( )hrrc. Ai How about thi m
13、d for winter went. Huve you not Anything ( ) lighter? AiEr*** VI. Dktallon (3 paints far rMch correct phrase) Liften to the follow inj* pxsjagc and fill In the missing words or ph mses. 1 he pa
14、of one year. This (2) only made him hungry for more knowledge. His mother? Nancy Hnnkfi Lincoln, influenced him in his quest (3). Although she was completely uneducated and could not 《4〉. she encouraged her children to Mtudy (5) ? Hhi beloved mother died when hr wm(6) ? The family waa greAtly saddm
15、edf ond (7) lived almost in squalor. Two years later. huwevrr9 his father (8) . Abe、 stepmother was also inMtrumcntiil in encouraginK Him to read. He even traveled to neighbouring farms and counties to (9>. He was often found reading (10) loRs that he should hnvc been splitting. 試題答案及評(píng)分標(biāo)準(zhǔn) (僅供參考)
16、 I . Which did you hrar > ( Tick >J the right unMwcn Onr point for each corrccl answer > 1. C 2. B 6. C 7. D 3. D 4. A 9.B M B 10. c 8. C || t Listen and respond. ( Tick J the right unsHrr. 2 points fur each correct nnnwcr) U H 2. B 3.A 奴A 5. H QI. How do you pronounce the word? h /
17、diforana/ 3. /intnnt/ 5. /di"pM:tmant/ 7. Zm liAriciju/ 9. /ko^iiuznikeitiQ/ (2 points for each correct word) 2. /hJt/ ,/rekoid/ 6. /ikarrip^tifan/ 8. /bjuttaful/ IOe /kon dijoru/ IV. InUmadim unlls. (1 poinl for each sentence) Examplri Thmr who xold quickly/ nude a profit. L It19 u
18、nc of the hejit cincmAB in town /with super!) sound effects. 2. Within r kw hour、/you havr nent rhou^amift of comniunkative mrssiagrA. 3. They1 re easier to manAge*/ cheaper to run /mid more secure* 4. She opened hrr eyes/ and mw the 代iH at the door. 5. Many brcnkthri>u|{hR in science nnd inspir
19、ations in the 4rt5/ cume during 20、jits the most embarrassing experience/ that you9vc ever had?
V. NucJcum. (Z poinln for tarh wentvnee)
Example i
Would you like (/or (
—TH hnve ( 4>co(frr. < ^Jpkane.
—(4)Milk And (/*)uKnr?
No < .)milk. I hiivr it ( 4)block, with onr ( 4)uR*r. ( M>,rhnnk<,
Ai()on 21、 you?
Bi I wuni to buy something for my( ,) nirre.
AiSome (/)?ilk?
HiNat not ailk. 1ve bought a lot of ai|k( 4)01 ready ?
AiPcrlmpn you\l like ?omc^)cotton?
Bi Ycs.<
A1 What kind would you(x<)likc?
Bi Hnr^Mimrthtng (\)prctty lor a Itf tic (y 4) girL whu i youngrr than rny (laughter (\)herc. 22、
A1 Haw About thw green ( <)pnnt?
Ht Er^>ThiN ih H()od for winter wren Hnve you got unythinx (z^> lighter?
A .Er…
V]e Dktutlon (3 points (nr ntch
L go to school
3. lor letirninK
5. by thrmsclvo
7. for r while
9< lx)rrow book*
cnrrccl plim%c>
2. Inck al education
4. rrnd or write?
6. mnr 23、 yeare old
8. rcmurncd
10t next to 0 pile of
Task I e Rcadin* aloud (50%}
Read Aloud the following convrrsotion with correct pronuneintion and intonnfion.
Bank mAnagcri(k>od morning< Mr Harris^
CuMomeriGood morninR* BM t Plcnsr nit down CiThnnk you.
BM|Now< one or two q眼… Ci Yen. 24、 of coursc> BMi How old are yoiu Mr Hiirnh?
Ct Thirty—two.
BMtAnd youre Canadbint arenft you?
Ct Yen* that fs right.
HMt Are you married?
(#i Ye> I am<
BMt What9b your wifer name?
Cx Monies
BMtAnd your wifes ngr Mr Hurries?
CtOhe shcfs thirty.
BMtThirty. And is he CnnadiArif too?
CxNo* Bh 25、e*5 British.
HM:British9 yes. Have you got any children?
Ci Yes< three< Two boy ond a girl.
Task H.Ond presentation (50%)
Choow a topic from the following and give presentation in two minutes. Try to spwik fluently and naturAily.
The book that ! like best
My daily routines My plan for this te 26、rm How I karn English
Tmik 1. Reading aloud (60%):
Read nloutl the following convrrwition with correct pronuncintion and intpnatipn.
RerrptioniMi(^n ! help you?
Trovclkri Yeftt Id like ft roerru plum
R i Single or double^
1 iSinulct plrnr<
RiFor one night?
TiNo> two niKhtm
Ri With bn 27、th or with ahowcr?
Tt With Irnthi plcniir. How much in fhc room?
Rtf6R a nifthti including brnk/iin
TiCan I poy by credit curd?
Ri Ycr. of CGumc. Wr tnkc Amcricnn ExprcMt Acer** or Vim. Could ymi rr|(iAtcrt plrnwc?
Tt Pardon?
RsCould you fill in the form, pknse?
T i Oh ? yen.
Ri Your room nu 28、mber ir 403. fhve a good tliye
TtThank you.
Task U,Ond pmmtatlon (50%)
Chootir a topic from the followiitK nnd givr n prcsenuiion in iwo mtnuten. Try to Rpcak fluently and nntumlly>
The film that I like best
My work place
My English Icuchrr
How I* vr learned this count ( 0ifl * Aff )
29、TiiaIi 1 ? Rending aloud (50%)
Rrnd aloud the following convrrBation w"h correct priinunciMlion and mtomition*
Sniothrrj And wht your nAmc?
RichardB|SiclIii. Stella Richards.
S> Hello Stdh.
R i Hello.
Si WrIL hrfr Find Your Part nrr wr1 rr ready to help you (tnd your ideal husband.
What doe* 30、he look like. Stella*
he have ti Lord?
S( A beArd?
Ri And 小”
Si And glARACBa
Ri And hrad brttvr he uhnn.
S|OK. So your idrnl huolinnd would I冷 n hon man with a !x?nrd and Fh”心.
||. Oral pmcnutlon (50%)*
ChoaM? a topic from the fnllowing und give a prr^rtitatioh in two tninutc&a Try to speak fluently ttnd nutumlly.
Ilw TV pr
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