畢業(yè)設計(論文)評語姓名: 學號: 專業(yè): 車輛工程 畢業(yè)設計(論文)題目: 電動叉車設計 工作起止日期: 2010 年 10 月 11 日起 2010 年 12 月 31 日止指導教師對畢業(yè)設計(論文)進行情況,完成質量及評分意見:指導教師簽字: 指導教師職稱: 評閱人評閱意見:評閱教師簽字: 評閱教師職稱: 答辯委員會評語:根據(jù)畢業(yè)設計(論文)的材料和學生的答辯情況,答辯委員會作出如下評定:學生 畢業(yè)設計(論文)答辯成績評定為: 對畢業(yè)設計(論文)的特殊評語:答辯委員會主任(簽字) 職稱: 答辯委員會副主任(簽字): 職稱: 答辯委員會委員(簽字): 年 月 日畢業(yè)設計(論文)任務書學生姓名 系部 汽車工程系 專業(yè)、班級指導教師姓名 職稱 講師從事專業(yè) 車輛工程 是否外聘 □是■否題目名稱 電動叉車設計一、設計(論文)目的、意義現(xiàn)代工業(yè)的發(fā)展,離不開物流的輸送,在車間在物流公司,叉車成為了主要的運輸工具,因此對叉車的研究和設計對現(xiàn)實的生產和工作有實際的意義、同時通過對叉車設計和研究鍛煉學生分析問題和解決問題的能力。二、論文基本內容主要研究內容1.對現(xiàn)有電動叉車國內外的情況進行調研;2.研究電動叉車的結構和特點;3.根據(jù)調研制定自己的叉車設計方案;4.根據(jù)制定方案對命題進行研究和計算,完成叉車的個設計和計算;5.完成裝配圖和零件圖6.撰寫說明書 12000字以上提交結果(1)計算說明部分 :提交設計說明書 1份(一萬字以上) (2)圖紙部分:折合 A0圖紙兩張 四、設計(論文)進度安排1. 2011年 10月 9 日與指導教師見面并下達畢業(yè)設計(論文)任務書。2. 2011年 10月 21日開題,指導教師進行開題檢查。3. 2011年 11月 18日草圖、論文草稿,指導教師中期自檢。4. 2011年 11月 25日完成草圖,系中期檢查。5. 2011年 12月 9日完成正式圖、論文草稿,并經指導老師結題檢查。6. 2011年 12月 19 日上交論文、圖紙、畢業(yè)設計材料。7. 2011 年 12月 29日答辯。五、主要參考資料[1] 肖永清、王本剛.叉車維護與養(yǎng)護實例.化學工業(yè)出版社 2005,(08)[2] 陶新良. 電動叉車和電動牽引車的構造與維修. 中國物資出版社 2006[3] 陸植. 叉車設計. 高等教育出版社 1986[4] 孫桓、陳作模、葛文杰. 機械原理. 高等教育出版社.2005(12)[5] 王黎欽、陳鐵鳴.機械設計.哈爾濱工業(yè)大學出版社.2008.(08)[6] 劉延俊. 液壓與氣壓傳動.高等教育出版社.2007.(05)[7] 王耀武. 物流裝卸機械.北京:人民交通出版社.2003[8] 周線興. 裝卸搬運車輛.北京:人民交通出版社.2001[9] 肖永清.內燃叉車安全駕駛與維修技術.北京:機械工業(yè)出版社.1993[10] 吳宗澤.機械設計手冊.北京機械工業(yè)出版社.2002[11] 安永東.汽車液壓、液力與氣壓傳動學習指導.化學工業(yè)出版社.2008[12] 叉車設計.西南交大編.[13] 張志文.叉車的門架計算.《起重運輸機械》[14] Tanxue Run. Mechanical parts. Beijing: China Petrochemical Press .1994[15] Sun Zhili. Practical mechanical reliability design theory and methods. Beijing: Science Press.2003六、備注指導教師簽字:年 月 日教研室主任簽字: 年 月 日 英文原文Boom timeAhealthy market means that underground truck and LHD markers are enjoying high order levels, with new models and technology also coming .in the LHD sector, several new models are already on the market from firms including EJC, Fermel, Rham Equipment and Schopf (WME Oct & Nov 2004), while Atlas Copco intends to launch at least one new design in 2005 –possibly an St14.But it is the truck sector that is the most active right now with renewed emphasis on power to weight ratios right through the payload range The latest models are taking advantage of advances in diesel technology by fitting more powerful engines and allowing better speeds on steep ramp hauls .The impact of this is significant, as higher speeds mean lower cycle times and offer major gains in productivity, even allowing reductions in fleet sizes.At the top of the payload scale competition is now particularly fierce. Sandvik Tamrock is certainly pushing the boundaries with its Toro 60, a three axle truck with a rigid chassis and a 60 tonne capacity. This Cummins-powered truck offers a good power to weight ratio and a payload advantage over Caterpillar’s AD55 and atlas Copo’s MT5010 that Sandvik Tamrock says should allow mines to trim fleet size, especially over longer ramp hauls. sandvik Tamrock expects the Toro 60 to take back some of the market claimed by Cat’s successful AD55,with its 55 tonne payload. However Atlas Copco is fighting back against both Caterpillar and Sandvik tamrock with yet another upgrade to its MT5010 truck, providing a power increase from 488-597kw/650-800hp. The new Cummins Qsk19 diesel boosts the MT5010’s power to weight ratio from 5.27-6.5kw/tonne, allowing it to reclaim ground over the AD55 and Toro60, despite their larger payload. Atlse Copco also says that driveline problems which afflicted earlier truck designs have long since been eliminated. The company points out that MT5010 is a successful design with units operating I Australia recording speeds of 14kph on 1:10 ramps, despite having 23,000 hours on the clock. Evaluating which of these three trucks offers the highest productivity could only be achieved by detailed study(and perhaps require testing), possibly with a different result depending on the nature of the specific mining application. The revised MT5010 has a higher power to weight ratio than either the AD55 or the Toro 60 but these trucks have bigger payloads of 55 and 60 tonnes respectively. The machine that best suits a given mining operation may be due to a number of basic factors such as haul distance and ramp gradient as well as ventilation infrastructure, ambient temperature and even material type. Overall though the customer will be the winner, with the latest large Atlas Copco, Caterpillar and Sandvik Tamrock trucks all offering much better productivity and reliability than was ever available to the 50+tonne class before.The same dort of power to weight ratio gains can be seen further down the truck payload range. Atlas Copco, Caterpillar, Dux, EJC, MTI and Zanam legmet have all fitted more powerful diesels to trucks with payloads in the 12-30tonne range,with similar benefits to those seen at the top of the capacity scale. For example, one Canadian mine replaced its earlier generation 16 and 17 tonners with newer 20 tonners,which offer short travel times on ramp, despite their increased payload and this has resulted in a substantial productivity gain overall. That the new generation of engines produce more power from similar outer dimensions is important, as they give a better payload/litre of fuel burned. However the cleaner emissions have added benefits, with cost advantages to mine ventilation requirements.In general, the new small-mid sized trucks themselves are externally similar to previous models, but are fitted with stronger drivetrains and axles to cope with the additional power (WME Oct2004&WME Nov 2004). Small detail changes like extended oil life or filters with replaceable elements make identifiable benefits to service costs. While the basic designs of these updated trucks remains similar, the better drivelines and new generation diesels mean that the machines require less maintenance are more reliable and are considerably cheaper to run.Self-driveAutomation is still on the agenda with regard to LHDs and trucks, with the many benefits being shown at those mines that have taken the plunge and opted for this technology. These is still progress to be made with regard to orders but Caterpillar and Sandvilk Tamrock are both pushing hard to sign up customers for their LHD(and truck)automation systems, MINEGEM and Automine respectively. At the moment only Codelco is using the full Automine automation system at the Pipa Norte and Diablo Regimiento zones of its EITeniente copper mine in Chile. But DeBeers and Sandvik TAmrock are developing a system for the Finsch mine in South Africa. And while Caterpillar has yet to notch up a commercial sale for MINEGEM, the technology is being used for production at the northparkes and Olympic Dam mines in Australia.There are a lot of similarities in the way MINEGEM and Automine work, with laser equipment mounted onboard the LHDs. These scan the tunnels ahead of the machines as they tram, picking up changes in the tunnel profile and allowing the machine to recognize its position in milliseconds. The lasers update tunnel maps continuously to, resulting in large volumes of date shuttling back and forth constantly. Cat’s MINEGEM system operates on a wireless LAN infrastructure with an 11 Mbps capacity. Sandvik TAmrock’s Automine system requires similar broadband communicational capabilities. Both MINEGEM and Automine are controlled by conventional and readily available computing hardware, while a good deal of the components is standard off-the-shelf items selected for their ability to cope with the tough mining cycle.With these technologies, one operator can supervise the running of up to three LHDs that run more or less autonomously, with the only manual input being for the bucket loading part of their operating cycle. Caterpilliar’s MINEGEM is a package built up of several layers and this allows customers to select the separate components they require. The tactical layer of MINEGEM provides automatic steering for an LHD and prevents it from colliding with the walls of the tunnel or against other vehicles. The operator fills the bucket and selects forward or reverse, with the system providing automated tramming and bucket dumping. The strategic layer is more complex as this integrates the operation of up to three LHDs, oversees their operation and has higher level planning capabilities. It is the strategic layer that is in chare of traffic control functions, so that multiple cycles can be ‘scripted’for blending ores from different drawpoints for instance, with the overall benefit of increasing production efficiency.Safety is improved as the operators can be situated away from where the machines are running (they don’t even have to be in the mine at all and in theory, could be sitting in an office on the other side of the world). Moreover, the machines require less maintenance and have lower running costs as gearchanges are made at optimum times, engines are not over-revved, there is less wheel-spin and the risk from collisions with tunnel walls of other machines is all but eliminated.However, the complete Automine and MINEGEM technologies are not inexpensive and suit applications in purpose-built mine areas (or even mines).The automated equipment runs in parts of the mine that are separated from other operations and with personnel access carefully controlled. There are however comparatively few large(and/or new)mines with the sort of block caving or sublevel caving applications that best suit this sophisticated full automation technology and can justify the investment. As a result, Caterpilliar and Sandvik Tamrock (separately) identified a need for less sophisticated systems that offer many of the same operating benefits, while being substantially less costly. By opting for just the tactical layer of MINEGEM (called Co-Pilot), a mining firm can introduce an effective and comparatively low-cost technology for single LHD automation. And CO-Pilot comes with a manual over-ride, allowing it to be used as a conventional remote control if/when required. In this respect, Sandvik Tamrock has a broadly similar product in the shape of its Automate system, which is also designed for single LHD automate and has equivalent control specifications.With Automation or Co-Pilot, mines can introduce single LHD automation into applications where conventional remote control systems are used at present. The advantage of this is that single machines can benefit from the automated tramming, without the expense of the complete machine automation package(or the inherent changes to infrastructure and mine layout). Both Caterpilliar and Sandvik Tamrock point out that this technology has huge potential with firms using conventional remote control and will be of particular benefit at mines with high incidences LHD collision damage. And, as anyone who has ever operated a radio-controlled car can attest, it can be difficult to judge distances between a moving machine and its surroundings from a distance. The single automation equipment will take away this risk of collisions and make substantial reductions in machine downtime and repairs, as well as boosting productivity. A study commissioned by Caterpillar from Australian body STEM shows that replacing conventional remote controls with simpler single LHD systems would provide payback times of three years(and even less in some instances), while providing productivity gains of up to 37%.For the moment, mining firms seem reluctant to invest in full LHD automation due to the expense and complexity of the technology. But with the production and cost benefits offered by Cat’s MINEGEM Co-Pilot and Sandvik Tamrock’s Automate system for single LHD automation in existing mines, that situation could well change soon.Russian firm MOaZ builds two underground trucks, the 7405-9586 for narrow operating conditions and the more conventional 7529, both of which have 22 tonne payloads. The 7405-9586 weighs 19.5 tonnes unladen, has a canopy as standard, is powered by a JMZ-238KM2 diesel rated at 140kw and measures 2.9m wide for use in narrow access areas. As this model has 2WD it can cope with 9°maximum slopes and best suits flat hauls or tunneling applications, offering a maximum speed of 40 kph. The 7529, weighs 24 tonnes unladen, features 4WD and has a more powerful JMZ-238BN2 engine delivering 190 kw, allowing use on steeper ramps. This machine also has a top speed of 40 kph and is equipped with an enclosed cab as standard. Both the 7405-9586 and 7529 trucks can be fitted with Deutz engines if required.German firm Paus built two tractors for Kali & Salz that tow pallets on trailers using a gooseneck connection. The vehicles are powered by 176 kw Deutz BF6M1013 engines. These offer payloads of up to 30 tonnes and are used to carry equipment, spare parts and materials underground, though product haulage is still by truck. Paus also has a number of loaders now operating at mines in Russia, with a number of engineering coming in a well from Australia. These are from engineering firms carrying out feasibility studies and are not expected become equipment orders immediately, but the firm is confident that these will translate into actual deals. The company adds that it is now receiving interest in the novel undercutting type machines, of which it built 15 units for operations in Belarus. In addition, Paus is building a number of ditch cleaning machines for Norilsk Nickel in Russia. These are based around a small mine locomotive, with an excavator boom that allows the machine t clear the dewatering ditches running alongside the tracks.中文譯文風靡時期良好的市場意味著地下卡車和 LHD 制造者正在享有一流的水平,同時新模式和技術不斷涌向市場。在 LHD 行業(yè),來自 EJC,F(xiàn)ERMEL,RHAM EQUIPMENT 和 SCHOPF 公司的新模式已出現(xiàn)在市場上,與此同時,ATLAS COPCO 公司預計最遲在 2005 年開始從事一種新型設計-ST14。但是,在卡車行業(yè),現(xiàn)在最活躍的事情是重新重視功重比和有效載荷的變化。最新模式通過安裝更大功率的發(fā)動機和允許在陡的斜坡行程中有較好的運行速度,充分利用了柴油機在技術上的發(fā)展。這種作用是顯著的,速度愈高意味著循環(huán)周期愈短,獲得的生產效率愈高,甚至允許減小規(guī)模。在有效載荷極限方面的競爭,現(xiàn)在是特別的激烈。SANDVIK TAMROCK正推出 TORO60、三軸帶有固定底座和容量 60T 的卡車,這種功率的卡車,可以提供比 CATERPILLAR 公司 AD55 和 ATLAS 公司的 MT5010 更好的功重比,以至于 SANDVIL TAMROCK 公司說這種設備允許礦井改變它的規(guī)模,特別是長的斜坡行程的地方。SANDVIK TAMROCK 期望 TORO60 可以奪回由有效載荷是 55T 的 CAT 公司的有成效的 AD55 占領的市場,然而,ATLAS COPCO公司用另一種改進型的可提供功率 488-597KW/650-800HP 變化范圍的 MT5010卡車同 CATERPILLAR 和 SANDVIK TAMROCK 兩家公司作斗爭。新型QSK19 柴油機使 MT5010 的功重比從 5.27KW/T 增加到 6.5KW/T,這使它重新獲得由 AD55 和 TORO60 占領的市場,ATLAS COPCO 公司說盡管 AD55 和TORO60 有很大的有效載荷,但困擾卡車設計者的路線問題,很長時間才被消除。根據(jù)在澳大利亞的 速度 14KPH 1:10 斜坡上的單元操作,公司指出,MT5010 是一項非常成功的設計,盡管耗時 23000H。對這三種卡車,哪種能提供更高的生產率的評估,只有通過細節(jié)的研究才能實現(xiàn),不同的結果依賴于特定礦井應用的性質。雖然 AD55 有 55T 的有效載荷和 TORO60 有 60T 的有效載荷,但與 AD55 和 TORO60 相比,改進型MT5010 有更高的功重比。某種機器最適用于某種給定的礦井操作可能是因為一些基本因素,比如:行程距離、坡度、通風設施、周圍環(huán)境的溫度,甚至材料類型。不過總體上說,顧客是贏家,與以前的 50T 級可獲得的生產率和可靠度相比,最新大型的 ATLAS 、COPCO CATERPILLAR 和 SANDVIK TAMROCK 公司生產的卡車全都可以提供更好的生產率和可靠度。卡車有效載荷變化不久,同種功重比的獲得即可看到。ATLAS COPCOC、ATERPILLAR、 DUX、EJC、MTI 和 ZANAM LEGMET 公司安裝更大功率的柴油機在卡車上,這允許有效載荷在 12-30T 范圍內變化,類似成效在容量范圍上也能看到。例如,一加拿大礦井,用新型 20T 取代了它早期的16T-17T,它在斜坡上費時較短,盡管只增加了有效載荷,但大體上仍提高了生產率。與同表面尺寸的發(fā)電機相比,新一代發(fā)電機提供更大的功率是重要的,因為燃料燃燒時,它們能給更多的能量。不管怎樣,排放物愈清潔,利潤愈高,通風設施成本愈低。一般來說,新中小型卡車表面上類似于以往的模式,只是安裝了更堅固的駕駛裝置和便于應付額外功率的軸。一些小細節(jié)的改變,如增加汽油的壽命或取代過濾器,可以識別對服務成本的優(yōu)勢。這些更新過的卡車的基本設計仍保持類似性,好的路線和新一代柴油機意味著機器需要較少的維修,擁有更高的可信賴度和相當?shù)偷倪\行成本。自動駕駛對于 LHD 和卡車來說,自動化一直是重要事情,對于這項技術已有許多優(yōu)勢呈現(xiàn)在那些礦業(yè)面前等待他們做出決定和選擇。定單一直在增加,盡管如此,CATERPILLAR 和 SANDVIK TAMROCK 兩家公司一直對為了他們各自的自動化系統(tǒng)、MINEGEM 和自動采礦的簽約顧客施壓。此時此刻,僅 CODELCO 公司正在應用全自動系統(tǒng),在 CHILE 的 EITENIENTE 礦的 PIPA NORTE 和DIABLE REGIMENTO 區(qū)域。但是 DEBEERS 和 SANDVIK TAMROCK 公司正在為了在南非的 FINSCH 礦井應用而研發(fā)一種新的系統(tǒng)。此時,CATERPILLAR 公司已獲得 MINEGEM 的商業(yè)化買賣權,此技術正在應用于澳大利亞的 NORTHPARKES 和 OLYMPIC DAM 礦井中。MINEGEM 和 AUTOMATE 之間有許多類似的地方,在 LHD 上都安裝有激光裝置。當卡車運行時,這些激光裝置可以掃描機器前面的隧道,接收隧道側面輪廓的變化,然后允許在幾秒內對它的位置做出辨別。激光裝置根據(jù)連續(xù)前進后退所得大量的數(shù)據(jù)更新隧道地圖。CATERPILLAR 公司的 MINEGEM 系統(tǒng)運行于容量是 11MPS 的無線 LAN 基本設施上。SANDVIK TAMROCK 公司的自動采礦系統(tǒng)需要廣泛的溝通能力。MINEGEM 和自動采礦由系統(tǒng)和可快速獲得的計算機硬件控制,同時有許多組成部分是普通的已有的項目,這些項目選擇它們應付棘手循環(huán)問題的能力。在這些技術支持下,一位操作者可以管理三臺正在運行的 LHD,這些LHD 或多或少的自主地運行,因為它們運行周期中裝載是手動的,CATERPILLAR 公司的 MINEGEM 是一個有幾層的軟件包,這允許顧客選擇他們的需要部件。戰(zhàn)術層為 LHD 提供自動駕駛,防止它與隧道墻壁碰撞或車輛相碰。操作者裝載,然后選擇前進或后退,系統(tǒng)自動形式和卸載。戰(zhàn)略層比較復雜,因為假如了操作裝置,縱觀全過程,有較高水平的計劃能力。戰(zhàn)略層掌握交通控制函數(shù),因此復雜的循環(huán)也能一清二楚。例如,從不同的選擇點摻和礦砂,大體上有效的增加生產率。操作者離開機器運行的地方時,安全性提高了,他們不必一直待在礦里面,理論上他們可以坐在地球的另一側的辦公室里。更甚者,當傳動裝置運行在最佳時期時,機器僅需很少的維護和較低的運行成本,發(fā)電機不必快速運轉,傳動輪也比較少,與隧道墻壁或其他的機器相碰的風險完全被消除。然而,完全的自動化和 MINEGEM 技術不是不昂貴的,它們適合應用于建有專門設施的煤礦區(qū)域或礦井中。自動設備運行在礦井中與其它操作分開的部分,職員通道被小心的控制著。盡管如此,有一些相對較大的或新的露天煤礦非常適用應用先進的全自動技術,且證明投資是正確的。結果,CATERPILLAR 和 SANDVIK TAMROCK 兩家公司分別認為需要少的先進的系統(tǒng),這些系統(tǒng)可以獲得同樣的操作效益,同時花費相當?shù)偷倪\行成本。通過合理選擇 MINEGEM 的戰(zhàn)略層,一家礦業(yè)公司可以對單個的 LHD 自動化引進有效益的相對低成本的技術。CO-POILT 手工短程運行,這允許它,當需要的時候,作為傳統(tǒng)的久遠的控制被應用。就這個而言,SANDVIK TAMROCK 公司有一個在自動化系統(tǒng)形狀方面非常類似的產品,它也是為單個的 LHD 自動系統(tǒng)設計的,且有相同的控制規(guī)范。擁有了自動化或戰(zhàn)略層,礦井可以引進單個的 LHD 自動化加以應用,在那兒傳統(tǒng)的久遠的控制系統(tǒng)被應用。這樣的優(yōu)勢是單個的機器可以從自動軌道上取得利益,而不必花費完全姿態(tài)的費用或基本設施和礦井布局的固有成本。CATERPILLAR 和 SANDVIK TAMROCK 公司指出,此項技術對于應用傳統(tǒng)控制的公司來說具有巨大的潛力,對于高發(fā)生 LHD 碰撞損壞的礦井來說有特別的效果。曾經操縱過無線電控制的汽車的任何一個人都能證明,判斷一個動的機器和它一定距離的環(huán)境的距離是困難的。單個的自動控制設備能避免這種相碰危險,并且大大縮短機器停車時間和維護,因此提高生產率。委托于CATERPILLAR 公司的來源于澳大利亞的 STEM 研究顯示,用簡單的 LHD 系統(tǒng)取代傳統(tǒng)的控制的回收期為三年,在一定的情況下甚至會更短,同時是生產率增加到 37%。目前,礦業(yè)公司看起來不情愿投資全 LHD 自動化,由于此技術的費用高和復雜性。在礦中,為單個 LHD 自動化的 CATERPILLAR 公司的 MINEGEM CO-POLIT 和 SANDVIK TAMROCK 公司的自動化系統(tǒng)所提供的產品和價格效果的情勢不久將會變好。俄羅斯公司 MOAZ 建立了兩個地下卡車站,適用于窄操作環(huán)境的 7405-9586 和更常規(guī)的 7529,它們的有效載荷均為 22t??蛰d重量 19.5t,有一個罩蓬作為平衡裝置的 7405-9586,由比率是 140kw 的 JMZ-238KM2 發(fā)電機提供動力,它能測量 2.9m 的寬度,應用于窄的交叉區(qū)域。這種類型的有兩個 WD,因此它能應付最大坡度是 9°的斜坡,最適應于平原或隧道環(huán)境,它的最大速度是40kph??蛰d重量是 24t 的 7529,有 4 個 WD,它由功率是 190kw 的 JMZ-238BN2 馬達提供更大的功率,允許在斜坡上運行,這種機器的最大速度是40kph,并且附上一個蓋子作為平衡裝置。如果需要,7405-9586 和 7529 這兩種型號都由 Deutz 設計供應。德國公司 Paus 建立兩個拖車站為 Kali 和 Salz。那有牽引平臺作為牽引裝置,這種車輛是 176kw 的 Deauz BF6M1013 馬達提供動力,這種類型提供的有效載荷是 30t。通過貨運被用來搬運設備,外加的零件和地下材料。在俄羅斯的礦井中有許多這種設備正在應用,這些設備來自澳大利亞的井中。來自于工程公司的這些正在實施特征研究,并不希望立即變成工程定單,但是公司確定:這些將變成實際應用。公司公告:他們目前正對新穎的分離式的機器感興趣,在Belarus,它建立了 15 個操作單元。此外,在俄羅斯,Paus 為了 Norilsk Nickel 設立了一系列清除機器的溝壑。這些被設在一個小型的礦井機車的四周,此種機車帶有一個挖掘機,這個挖掘機允許機器清理環(huán)繞在卡車站周圍的地下水溝。