中 軸 碗 沖 壓 工 藝 及 模 具 設 計摘 要 : 本設計題目為中軸碗沖壓模設計,屬于帶凸緣拉深件,并帶有一底孔。分析其工藝性,并確定工藝方案。根據計算確定本制件是先落料,后沖底孔,最后一次拉深成的,然后相應選取拉深時的壓力機。本設計主要是落料模、沖裁模、一次拉深模具設計,需要計算毛坯尺寸、拉深次數、工序壓力、落料刃口尺寸、沖孔刃口尺寸、拉深工作部分尺寸,并且還需要確定模具零件結構,然后根據上面的設計繪出模具的總裝圖。本制件的形狀結構較為簡單,高度適中適合選用標準模架。模具工作零件的結構也較為簡單,它可以相應的簡化了模具結構。便以以后的操作、調整和維護。關鍵詞:沖壓模 模具零件結構 標準模架 Bottom bracket cup’s punching craft and moulding designAbstract:This lesson a molding tool for is fall to anticipate to pull to the stalk bowl deep blunt the bore turn over bore compound mold molding tool design,among them distinguish to wait to the work zero parts of the molding tool six the parts of big zeros make the detailed design.The main contents of designing includes to wash to cut a piece craft analysis and craft projects really settle, craft calculation, the gearing of the design, molding tool that wash to cut the molding tool and adjust etc.. Compute in the craft the part want to be to the row kind design and calculation, wash the calculation, molding tool pressure of the pressure center to really settle, convex and cave mold size and make sure the calculation that make the business trip and compute the detailed calculation in contents in etc..Blanking the mold to want at the design part that wash to the work spare parts, position the spare parts and unload to anticipate with a spare parts, lead to spare parts conjunction with fix spare parts etc. construction the proceeding the detailed analysis design. Want to be in design process work process of understanding the molding tool with notice to choose to use standardly, to reunite the construction that wash the understanding that cut the mold further have.Keywords: stamping die , Parts of mold , standard die set