壓縮包內含有CAD圖紙和說明書,均可直接下載獲得文件,所見所得,電腦查看更方便。Q 197216396 或 11970985
摘 要
液壓支架作為回采工作面的一種支護設備,液壓支架在工作過程中能否取得良好的支護效果,取決于支架的架型,結構和相關參數。首先,通過計算機軟件Visual Basic來進行四連桿機構優(yōu)化設計編程來確定支架的四連桿機構各桿系的長度;然后,以力學模型為依據,分析了液壓支架的頂梁、掩護梁上載荷的作用機理,得到了較為合理的支架載荷的計算公式;其次,結合設計的支架,從平面和空間兩方面對支架主要結構件進行受力分析;最后對支架主要結構件、連接銷軸進行強度效核,并畫出所有的機械圖。
My paper mainly foused on the problem which is design out a type of chock-shield support.
Modern longwall mining employs hydraulic powered supports at the face area. The supports not only holds up the roof, pushes the face chain conveyor, and advances itself, but also provides a safe environment for all associated mining activities. Therefore its successful selection and application are the prerequisite for successful longwall mining. Furthermore, due to the large number of units required, the capital invested for the power support usually accounts for more than half of the initial capital for a longwall face. Therefore both from technical and economic points of view, the powered support is a very important piece of equipment in a long wall face.
The chock shield combines the features of the chocks and the shields. As such it possesses the advantages of both.
The hydraulic support described is a part of the mining industry equipment in the mine, used for protection of working environment in the gallery. It works well or bad at work basing on its support mode, frame and some parameters. In the first step, the optimal values of some parameters of the leading four-bar mechanism are determined by using Visual Basic. Secondly, the base of mechanic model of support-surrounding, the mechanism and loads on the support is decided. The next work, with the condition of the design, the main mechanics of hydraulic support is analyzed and calculated by plane and spatial model. Finally, the under frame, top beam cave shield, wrists and hydraulic column are analyzed by calculation. And draw out all the process drawings.
Key words: chock-shield hydraulic support;canopy; four-bar links; lemiscate;strength