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附錄A 外文翻譯 風力發(fā)電技術 風能是非常重要并儲量巨大的能源,它安全、清潔、充裕,能提供源源不絕,穩(wěn)定的能源。目前,利用風力發(fā)電已成為風能利用的主要形式,受到世界各國的高度重視,而且發(fā)展速度最快。風能技術是一項高新技術,它涉及到氣象學、空氣動力學、結構力學、計算機技術、電子控制技術、材料學、化學、機電工程、電氣工程、環(huán)境科學等十幾個學科和專業(yè),因此是一項系統技術,其難度毫不遜色于航天技術。 1風能技術的劃分: 風能技術分為大型風電技術和中小型風電技術,雖然都屬于風能技術,工作原理也相同,但是卻屬于完全不同的兩個行業(yè): 具體表現在“政策導向不同、 市場不同、 應用領域不同、 應用技術更是不同,完全屬于同種產業(yè)中的兩個行業(yè)。因此,在中國風力機械行業(yè)會議上已經把大型風電和中小型風電區(qū)分出來分別對待。此外,為滿足市場不同需求,延伸出來的風光互補技術不僅推動了中小型風電技術的發(fā)展,還為中小型風電開辟了新的市場。 1.1大型風電技術: 我國大型風電技術與國際還有一定差距。 大型風電技術起源于丹麥、荷蘭等一些歐洲國家,由于當地風能資源豐富,風電產業(yè)受到政府的助推, 大型風電技術和設備的發(fā)展在國際上遙遙領先。 目前我國政府也開始助推大型風電技術的發(fā)展,并出臺一系列政策引導產業(yè)發(fā)展。大型風電技術都是為大型風力發(fā)電機組設計的,而大型風力發(fā)電機組應用區(qū)域對環(huán)境的要求十分嚴格,都是應用在風能資源豐富的資源有限的風場上,常年接受各種各樣惡劣的環(huán)境考研,環(huán)境的復雜多變性,對技術的高度要求就直線上升。目前國內大型風電技術普遍還不成熟,大型風電的核心技術仍然依靠國外,國家政策的引導使國內的風電項目發(fā)瘋一樣在各地上馬,各地都期望能借此分得一杯羹。名副其實的“瘋電”借著政策的東風開始燎原之勢。雖然風電項目紛紛上馬,但多為配套類型,完全擁有自主知識產權的大型風電系統技術和核心技術少之又少。還需經歷幾年環(huán)境考驗的大型風電技術才能逐漸成熟。此外,大型風電技術中發(fā)電并網的技術還在完善,一系列的問題還在制約大型風電技術的發(fā)展。 1.2中小型風電技術: 我國中小型風電技術可以與國際相媲美。 在本世紀 70 年代中小型風電技術在我國風況資源較好的內蒙、 一帶就已經得到了發(fā)展, 最初中小型風電技術被廣泛應用在送電到鄉(xiāng)的項目中為一家一戶的農牧民家用供電,隨著技術的更新不斷的完善與發(fā)展,不僅能單獨應用還能與光電組合互補已被廣泛應用于分布式獨立供電。這些年來隨著我國中小型風電出口的穩(wěn)步提升。在國際上,我國的中小型風電技術和風光互補技術已躍居國際領先地位。 中小型風電技術成熟受自然資源限制相對較小,作為分布式獨立發(fā)電效果顯著不僅可以并網,而且還能結合光電形成更穩(wěn)定可靠的風光互補技術,況且技術完全自主國產化。無論從技術還是價格在國際上都十分具有競爭優(yōu)勢;加上現在在國際已打響了中小型風電的中國品牌;“墻內開花墻外香”已愈演愈烈。在國內最具技術優(yōu)勢和競爭力中小型風力發(fā)電一直是被政府和政策遺忘的一個角落,究其原因,在早期國家一直把中小型風力發(fā)電定位到內蒙、等偏遠地區(qū)農牧民使用且歸入農機類,價格低廉、粗制濫造、性能可靠度低、安全無保障使用地多為人煙稀少區(qū)、國內市場大多都在喪失可靠性的前提下大打價格戰(zhàn);在人們潛意識里形成較差的認識,因此得不到國家的重視和發(fā)展。 目前國內中小型風電的技術中“低風速啟動、低風速發(fā)電、變槳矩、多重保護等等一系列技術得到國際市場的矚目和國際客戶的一致認可,已處于國際領先地位。況且中小型風電技術最終是為滿足分布式獨立供電的終端市場,而非如大型風電技術是滿足發(fā)電并網的國內壟斷性市場,技術的更新速度必須適應廣闊而快速發(fā)展的市場需求。 1.3 風光互補技術: 風光互補技術是整合了中小型風電技術和太陽能技術,綜合了各種應用領域的新技術,其涉及的領域之多、應用范圍之廣、技術差異化之大,是各種單獨技術所無法比擬的。 風能和太陽能是目前全球在新能源利用方面技術最成熟、最具規(guī)模化和產業(yè)化發(fā)展的行業(yè),單獨的風能和單獨的太陽能都有其開發(fā)的弊端,而風力發(fā)電和太陽能發(fā)電兩者互補性的結合實現了兩種新能源在自然資源的配置方面、技術方案的整合方面、性能與價格的對比方面都達到了對新能源綜合利用的最合理,不但降低了滿足同等需求下的單位成本,而且擴大了市場的應用范圍,還提高了產品的可靠性。 此外:太陽能和風能同屬新能源,太陽能比風能起步要晚的多,太陽能光伏發(fā)電 30 元/瓦左右的價格受大眾所認可, 可轉化率僅有 15%左右; 而中小型風力發(fā)電的價格僅為同等的 1/5-1/6 轉化率卻有60%-80%,僅此低的價格更有甚者還在打壓,光電生產過程中對環(huán)境造成的污染遠大于風電,卻比風電能得到長足的發(fā)展,這樣的對比反差耐人沉思......,如果從人們用能的角度,最終是為了滿足用電,從發(fā)電量來衡量風能的成本要比太陽能經濟許多。 風光互補整合了太陽能和風能優(yōu)勢,不僅為“節(jié)能、減排”開辟了新的天地,以應用科學來滿足人類需求,為世界進入第四次革命打開了一頁。 2風力發(fā)電有三種運行方式: 一是獨立運行方式,通常是一臺小型風力發(fā)電機向一戶或幾戶提供電力,它用蓄電池蓄能,以保證無風時的用電;二是風力發(fā)電與其他發(fā)電方式(如柴油機發(fā)電)相結合,向一個單位或一個村莊或一個海島供電;三是風力發(fā)電并入常規(guī)電網運行,向大電網提供電力,常常是一處風電場安裝幾十臺甚至幾百臺風力發(fā)電機,這是風力發(fā)電的主要發(fā)展方向。 在風力發(fā)電系統中兩個主要部件是風力機和發(fā)電機。風力機向著變漿距調節(jié)技術、發(fā)電機向著變速恒頻發(fā)電技術,這是風力發(fā)電技術發(fā)展的趨勢,也是當今風力發(fā)電的核心技術。下面簡單介紹這兩方面的情況。 2.1 風力機的變漿距調節(jié) 風力機通過葉輪捕獲風能,將風能轉換為作用在輪轂上的機械轉矩。 變距調節(jié)方式是通過改變葉片迎風面與縱向旋轉軸的夾角,從而影響葉片的受力和阻力,限制大風時風機輸出功率的增加,保持輸出功率恒定。采用變距調節(jié)方式,風機功率輸出曲線平滑。在額定風速以下時,控制器將葉片攻角置于零度附近,不做變化,近似等同于定漿距調節(jié)。在額定風速以上時,變漿距控制結構發(fā)生作用,調節(jié)葉片攻角,將輸出功率控制在額定值附近。變漿距風力機的起動速度較定漿距風力機低,停機時傳遞沖擊應力相對緩和。正常工作時,主要是采用功率控制,在實際應用中,功率與風速的立方成正比。較小的風速變化會造成較大的風能變化。 由于變漿距調節(jié)風力機受到的沖擊較之其它風力機要小得多, 可減少材料使用率, 降低整體重量。且變距調節(jié)型風力機在低風速時, 可使槳葉保持良好的攻角, 比失速調節(jié)型風力機有更好的能量輸出,因此比較適合于平均風速較低的地區(qū)安裝。 變距調節(jié)的另外一個優(yōu)點是,當風速達到一定值時,失速型風力機必須停機,而變距型風力機可以逐步變化到一個槳葉無負載的全翼展開模式位置,避免停機,增加風力機發(fā)電量。 變距調節(jié)的缺點是對陣風反應要求靈敏。失速調節(jié)型風機由于風的振動引起的功率脈動比較小,而變距調節(jié)型風力機則比較大,尤其對于采用變距方式的恒速風力發(fā)電機,這種情況更明顯,這樣不要求風機的變距系統對陣風的響應速度要足夠快,才可以減輕此現象。 2.2 變速恒頻風力發(fā)電機 變速恒頻風力發(fā)電機常采用交流勵磁雙饋型發(fā)電機,其結構如圖 1 所示。它的結構類似繞線型感應電機,只是轉子繞組上加有滑環(huán)和電刷,這樣一來,轉子的轉速與勵磁的頻率有關,從而,使得雙饋型發(fā)電機的內部電磁關系既不同于異步發(fā)電機又不同于同步發(fā)電機,但它卻具有異步機和同步機的某些特性。 交流勵磁雙饋變速恒頻風力發(fā)電機不僅可以通過控制交流勵磁的幅值、相位、頻率來實現變速恒頻,還可以實現有功、無功功率控制,對電網而言還能起無功補償的作用。 交流勵磁變速恒頻雙饋發(fā)電機系統有如下優(yōu)點: 允許原動機在一定范圍內變速運行,簡化了調整裝置,減少了調速時的機械應力。同時使機組控制更加靈活、方便,提高了機組運行效率。 需要變頻控制的功率僅是電機額定容量的一部分,使變頻裝置體積減小,成本降低,投資減少。 調節(jié)勵磁電流幅值,可調節(jié)發(fā)出的無功功率;調節(jié)勵磁電流相位,可調節(jié)發(fā)出的有功功率。應用矢量控制可實現有、無功功率的獨立調節(jié)。 3風能技術的發(fā)展需要不斷的創(chuàng)新: 目前,我國風能發(fā)展中技術創(chuàng)新還很薄弱,缺乏有自主知識產權的核心技術。因此,在很大程度上還要從國外引進技術。雖然,在知識經濟到來的時代,所有國家都充分利用全球資源,通過技術引進和國際合作來縮小差距,提高競爭能力。但是,如果沒有自主創(chuàng)新能力,就不知道引進什么先進技術,引進以后也沒有能力消化吸收,更不能進行再創(chuàng)新,這是一方面;另一方面,國外的核心技術是引進不來的,必須靠自主創(chuàng)新來掌握核心技術;再者,國內的自主創(chuàng)新技術需要政策給予配套、引導、扶持,擁有核心技術的風能產品要加大扶持力度,這樣“墻內開花墻外香”的局面才能得以改變,創(chuàng)新的動力才能來自不斷的創(chuàng)新。 總之:風電產業(yè)中的風能技術已從單一發(fā)電向各個需要用電的領域不斷的創(chuàng)新,其附加產品也應運而生如:路燈、景觀、交通監(jiān)控、通訊、灌溉、種植、養(yǎng)殖、海水淡化、防火、警報、海島高山等??梢婏L能這個新興產業(yè)的發(fā)展能帶動了無數個傳統產業(yè)的發(fā)展與轉型,而風能在各個領域的應用技術成了這些產業(yè)發(fā)展的風向標。即將引發(fā)的世界革命必將來自于以風能技術等新能源產業(yè)的革命。 附錄B 外文文獻 Wind Power Generation Technology Wind is very important and reserves of energy, it is safe, clean, and can provide abundant energy, stability of the stream. Now, use wind power has become the main form of wind, the world's attention, and the fastest. Wind energy technology is a high-tech; it relates more than a dozen of subjects, including meteorology,aerodynamics, structural mechanics, computer technology, electronic control technology,material science,chemistry, electrical engineering, electrical engineering, so the difficulty of a system technology may beyond the difficulty of space technology. First, The division of wind energy technologies: Wind energy technology is divided into large-scale wind power technology and small and medium sized wind power technology, although both are wind energy technology, working principles are the same, the two industries are completely different: specific performance of the "policy orientation is different in different markets, different applications, applied technology is different, totally belong to the same kinds of industries in the two sectors. Therefore, in China machinery industry meeting on the wind to large wind power and wind power to distinguish between small and medium treated separately. In addition, to meet different market needs, extending from the wind and solar technology has not only promoted the development of small wind power technology, but also for the small wind power opens up new markets. 1. Large-scale wind power technology: The technology of large-scale wind power in China still has a certain gap between international. The technology of large-scale wind power technology originated in Denmark and some other European countries, the wind power industry propelled by the government, because of the local wind resource-rich,large-scale wind power technology and equipment ahead of the international development. Our government has also started to boost the development of large-scale wind power technology, and a range of policies to guide industry development. Large-scale wind power technology are for the large-scale wind turbine design,wind turbine applications for large area on the very strict environmental requirements are applied to limited resources, wind energy resource-rich wind field, to accept a variety of perennial bad environment that something was the complex nature of the environment, high demands on the technology up on the line.Currently large-scale wind power technology in general is not yet ripe, the core technology of large-scale wind power still rely on foreign, national policy guidance to the domestic wind power project launched in various places, like crazy, all over look forward to slice. Worthy of the name "mad electricity" through the wind began to Negative effect and Precaution policy. Although wind power projects have been started, but more as complementary type, complete with independent intellectual property rights of large-scale wind power systems technology and core technology few. The test environment needs to have been a large-scale wind power technology to mature. In addition, the large-scale wind power generation technology and network technology has also improved a number of issues still restrict the development of large-scale wind power technology. 2. The technology of small wind power: The technology of small wind power in China could compare with the international technology. In 1970s, the small wind power technology in China had been developed which has wind resources for a better situation, including Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang areas, the first small wind power technology is widely used in power transmission project to the Township for a one of farmers and herdsmen household power supply, continuously updated as the technology improvement and development, not only alone but also with the combination of complementary optical has been widely used in distributed independent power supply. These years as Chinese exports of small and medium wind steadily. Internationally, China's small and medium sized wind power technology and wind and solar technology have leapt to international leadership. Small wind power technology is mature and relatively small by natural resource constraints, distributed independent power as a significant effect not only connected, but also the formation of more stable and reliable combination of optical complementary technologies scenery Moreover, technology is completely self-localization. Both from a technical or price in the international arena are very competitive; with international has now started a small wind power in China brand; "wall flower wall Hong" has intensified. In the country's most technical advantages and competitiveness of small and medium wind power has always been forgotten by the government and policy in a corner of reasons, in the early states has been to locate the small and medium sized wind power in Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, farmers and herdsmen in remote areas to use and return into the agricultural class, low cost, shoddy, low-performance reliability, security, no security of land mostly sparsely populated areas, most of the domestic market are subject to loss of reliability of large price war; in people subconsciously form a poor understanding of So get national attention and development. Domestic small wind power technology in the "low wind start, low wind speed generation, pitch moment, multiple protection, and a series of technical attention by the international market and international clients unanimously approved, has a leading position. Moreover, the small and medium Wind power technology is ultimately distributed independent power supply to meet end-market, rather than large-scale wind power generation and network technologies to meet the domestic monopoly market, technology, update rate must be adapted to a broad and rapidly growing market. 3. wind and solar technology: Wind is the integration of technical skills and the Small and Medium Wind Energy Solar Energy Technology, combines a variety of applications of new technology, and it covers many areas, the wide range of applications, technical differentiation is so great that a variety of techniques which can separate match. Wind and solar power is currently the world in the use of new energy technology the most mature, most large-scale and industrial development of the industry, separate and individual solar wind has its drawbacks of development, but both wind and solar power complementary combined to realize the two new configuration of energy in natural resources, the technical programs of integration, performance and price compared to aspects of the new energy source for the most reasonable, not only reduces the demand to meet under the same unit cost and expand the scope of application of the market, also increases the reliability of the product. In addition: solar and wind power are both new energy, solar energy than the wind started to be late more than 30 per solar PV / W by the general public about the price of recognition can be converted to a 15% rate;while the price of small wind power conversion rate is only 1/5-1/6 of the same 60% -80%, only the low price Worse still suppressed, photoelectric production of pollution on the environment greater than wind power, than substantial development in wind energy, this comparison contrast twist of meditation ......, if people use the energy from the point of view, our goal is to meet the electricity from wind power generating capacity to measure the cost of solar energy economy than many . Wind, solar and wind power integration advantages, not only for the "energy saving, emission reduction,"opened up new horizons for the application of science to meet human needs, for the world to open a fourth Revolution. Second,Wind power has three kinds of operation mode: one is independent operation mode, usually a small wind generators to one or a few families to provide power, storage battery energy, to ensure the electricity without wind, Second is the wind turbines and other power mode (such as engine power), combining to a unit or an village or an island power supply, Three is wind power into conventional power operate and to provide electric power grid, is often a wind tens or hundreds of sets installed wind generators, this is the main development direction of wind power. Wind power system in the two main parts is wind machine and generators. Wind turbines to change from adjusting technique, plasma generator toward VSCF technology, this is the development trend of wind power technology is the core technology nowadays wind turbines. The following simple introduction of this two respects. 1 the change of wind plasma from regulation Wind turbines impeller, will capture the wind by converting wind effects on the mechanical wheel torque. Change is the change from adjustment with vertical axis wind leaf surface of Angle, thus affecting the force and the blade, when the wind resistance increases, the output power of the fan is kept constant power output. By regulating mode, fan from the output power curve is smooth. In the rated wind leaf Angle of attack,controller will be placed near zero, do not change, approximate distance equal to adjust for pulp. In the rated wind above, variable structure control function from pulp, adjust the blade Angle of attack, the output power control in near ratings. Change from the wind plasma starting from wind speed is set slurry machine downtime at low impact stress relative ease. The normal work, is mainly adopts power control, in practical applications, power and speed is directly proportional to the set. Small changes will cause the wind changes of wind. Due to the change of wind from pulp by adjusting the impact than other wind from small, can reduce material utilization rate, reduce overall weight. And the change of wind from accommodation type at low speed, can make the blades, keep good Angle of attack than accommodation type stall wind turbines have better energy output, therefore is suitable for low average speed of the region. Change from another advantage of regulation, when the winds reach a certain value, stall type of wind and downtime, must from type machine can gradually changes to the wind load without a blades of open mode, avoid wing, increase of wind turbine. Change is to adjust the defect is sensitive response requires gusts. Because the wind accommodation type stall fan vibration power pulse are small, and accommodation type from wind turbines is bigger, especially for the change from the constant speed windmills way, this kind of circumstance, this does not require more obvious change in the fan is the response speed of wind system to fast enough, can reduce this phenomenon. Third, the development of wind energy technology requires constant innovation: At present, China's wind energy development in technological innovation is still very weak, the lack of core technologies with independent intellectual property. Thus, much would import technology from abroad.Although the arrival of knowledge economy era, all countries take full advantage of global resources and international cooperation through the introduction of technology to bridge the gap and improve competitiveness. But if there is no capability of independent innovation, not know what the introduction of advanced technologies, are not able to absorb the future, can not carry out another record, which is on the one hand; on the other hand, the core technology is the introduction of foreign countries cannot, and must be rely on innovation to master the core technology; Moreover, the domestic policy of independent innovation of technology needs to supporting, guiding, supporting, with the core technology of wind energy products to be increasing support, such a "wall flower wall incense" situation can be change, innovation and power can come from constant innovation. In short: the wind power industry continuing to creating in a single generation from wind energy technology to power the various areas of need ,its additional products have emerged such as: street, landscape, traffic control, communication, irrigation, planting, breeding, sea water desalination , fire, alarm, islands, mountains and so on. Shows the development of wind energy in this new industry can be brought about numerous development and transformation of traditional industries, but the application of wind energy technology in various fields has become the industry's benchmark. World revolution will be caused by wind energy technology from the New Energy and Industrial revolution. 11壓縮包目錄 | 預覽區(qū) |
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